User details for manvantar

Username manvantar:_male:
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Joined 2020-04-07 05:13:38
Last Visit 2025-02-21 03:45:26
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    132
Forum Posts 1
Total reviews 2
Reputation points 5

Thanks for your comments on Vacation Friends. Watched it, loved it. 🥂
2021-09-02 07:43:27
Loved your review of Jungle Cruise. Spot on. 🥂
2021-08-01 07:52:59
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Dark and Drab. Absolutely no Eye Candy. I'm going to watch anyway & see what all the fuss it...
2025-02-10 21:57:28
Well they didn't drop too many F-Bombs. But guess they are tryinh to be hip. Not my cup of meat either!
2025-02-06 01:04:23
Delightfull movie. Plenty of Humor & great cinematography. This was a major motion picture with stars! Not a B-rated flick. My wife and I laughed out loud so many times. I can't imagine any Will Ferrel fan not enjoying this movie.
2025-02-05 06:37:05
Gave it a fair go for an anoying 1/2 hr. Reminiscent of them fancy Fung Fu flicks. Not my cup of meat!
2025-01-27 21:29:52
Yeah it was like a soap opera. A real low budget exploitation flick. I'll need a refund!
2024-12-31 01:54:45
Anyone else have a problem with the audio?
2024-12-29 21:57:12
This was so Bad it makes the word Bad Sag down. LOL! But hey! Thx for sharing n caring TGX. Much LUV!
2024-10-29 19:21:48
What about Rauaway Train? That was a bas-ass flick!
2024-09-18 04:05:46
No way! It's got an Ugly title...LOL
2024-09-16 01:19:08
Love Irish! It's got a bit of the blarney...They've kissed the blarney stone! Nice...
2024-09-12 00:58:08
Sounds depressing...
2024-09-10 04:41:29
Exloitation movie. The worst kind!
2024-08-03 03:29:59
It wasn't funny. Watched 1/2 though. Had a few good moments. Got to give them patial credit...
2024-07-27 21:18:28
This flick was so sick! I could make it thru the 2nd half w/o puking....
2024-06-04 05:26:32
Pretty interesting thriller but really low budget & depressing. It was like a soap!
2024-05-20 05:32:27
They can't have any sex scenes because they are marketing this stuff in China.
2024-04-06 03:19:25
Get's a 7.7/10 over at IMDB.
2024-03-27 01:34:24
Absolutely sick & disgusting. What are they trying to prove? We could not sit through more than 5 minutes.
2024-02-27 19:02:16
The trailer had some decent Cinematography that didn't look cheezy. What could possible go wrong?
2024-02-21 00:09:10
Snoop has a huge potty mouth! And around kids? Totally cringeworthy... What is Hollyweird trying to prove?
2024-01-31 03:20:47
Not even a kiss? I could swear the hitcher was Keanu Reeves.
2024-01-10 01:48:42
I watched Bad Behaviour & it was Bad. Actually it was worst than bad! As if a boring/annoying soap opera in bad taste...
2023-12-27 03:49:52
It's a kiddie/family Christmas flick & most of the dialogue was cringeworthy & not funny.
2023-12-04 00:53:24
Had quite a few funny moments. But all the silly stuff like squirting the customer with mustard & catsup?
2023-11-26 20:34:45
Tried to get into it but dang! Was there a shortage of light bulbs? And almost every scene was some kind of shoot out...It did have it's moments though. But far & few in between.
2023-11-18 05:29:24
Vulgar & sick. Run!
2023-11-13 02:17:13
How come God can only has one son? There so many holes in that philosophy. But at least they offer prayers. Everyone will need a strong connection with almighty when that final moment comes.
2023-10-31 18:39:31
Hey! The flick is funtastic. And crazy funny!
2023-10-24 02:55:01
Looks depressing...
2023-09-21 01:10:03
Looking at the trailer it seems to be in Spanish.
2023-07-14 22:35:06

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And the dude has to screw them sheep coz his wife's not puttin out! LOL
2021-03-03 09:44:46
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2020-04-07 05:15:27

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