I'm sure this is going to stink all the way to holy heaven! But I'm going to give it a fair go... My only pet peeve is Bruce Willis is in it. Which means it's gonna be cheesy.
Just have to check. Are there any stars. Is it a major studio production? Top Review on IMDB: Seems to be filmed on a phone most of the time, with some graphics added from a video game or something. The story is just about some people camping....
There is too big of a boring wind up in the 1st quarter. My wife said she was headed for the bathroom & never returned. By the time I was 1/2 way thru it was exciting but the dam thing is so long it was time for bed already. Also the dialog was h...
Ok so there was a chunk that exploded in outer space. This is very scientific. How could anyone possibly create all this? I agree we're takin knowledge from a fool here.
Wow that was terrible. It was literally torture getting through this. All the whimpering and crying made me want to rip my ears off. That was a big waste of time. No Eye Candy whatsoever. Just an annoying dispatcher yelling on the phone for 90 mins s...
Get's a 90% Rotten Tomatoes! This was an interesting & enjoyable flick of lots of levels. A visually stunning and emotional story with intense thrills that are sure to surprise. Cumberbatch gives a powerful performance and is the standout...
I'ts not Disney so I've got my doubts. At least there's a couple recognizable stars . By the photos it looks like a low budget sitcom. Anyone watch it yet.
Watched it las night . Wow! Crazy funny & sexy...John Cena surprised me. He looked totally jacked. Rumor is hell be fighting the Rock Dwayne Johnson in the near future.
I thought it was utterly boring! Stone faced Matt didn't make things any easier. And they had to drag it out for 2hrs 19mins. I kept looking at my watch & praying it would end. What hell were they trying to prove?
I was a heart wrenching story. I'm definitely going to be kinder to our little friends from now on. This was a real tear jerker. Bullying sucks! Everyone should learn some empty handed skills. I carry a 45. Pepper Spray for less lethal encounte...
Looks interesting from this trailer! I'm gonna check it on out... I watched & kind of enjoyed although there were dragging & predictable moments. After the halfway mark it lost it's luster. Anyway it's about the hereafter &...
Hey! I thought it was crazy funny. Dwayne Johnson & that gal (Pants). LOL. & plenty of adventure, eye candy, romance, action, star studded cast too. Reminded me of Indiana Jones a bit. My only pet peeve was the climatic fight scene seemed to...
This was an ok watch for me. Plenty of eye candy & thrills. One odd thing was seeing a done in Russia. Felt like a Hollywood action Cop flick was being mimicked or something. Mildly amusing! It had it's moments but went Shoot Em Up Overdrive...