When a number of mutilated bodies are discovered in a countryside mansion, seasoned Detective Taylor is charged with finding the killer. An unlikely suspect reveals that some secrets are taken to the grave...and some secrets TAKE US TO THE GRAVE!
GENERAL INFO Genre: Thriller, Horror, Crime Director: Fredi 'Kruga' Nwaka Stars: Simon Haines, Tim Faraday, Celine Arden, Tara Hoyos-Martinez, Fredi 'Kruga' Nwaka Plot: When a number of mutilated bodies are discovered in a countryside mansion, seasoned Detective Taylor is charged with finding the killer. An unlikely suspect reveals that some secrets are taken to the grave...and some secrets TAKE US TO THE GRAVE!
a 76 minute movie. omg...the actors must be tired from yawning.
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by Guest-2634
on 2024-12-03 20:58:52
Director: Fredi 'Kruga' Nwaka.
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