User details for manvantar

Username manvantar:_male:
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Joined 2020-04-07 05:13:38
Last Visit 2025-02-21 03:45:26
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Comments Posted    132
Forum Posts 1
Total reviews 2
Reputation points 5

Thanks for your comments on Vacation Friends. Watched it, loved it. 🥂
2021-09-02 07:43:27
Loved your review of Jungle Cruise. Spot on. 🥂
2021-08-01 07:52:59
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Loved it! Interesting romantic storyline, Gorgeous Hawaiian sunsets & cinematography.
2022-06-26 05:36:42
I watched a little & turned it off. My wife went to sleep. Sorry but don't like Andy García! He's not funny but rather annoying.
2022-06-18 20:03:22
The announcement this week that actor Bruce Willis, known for his roles in such films as “Die Hard,” “The Sixth Sense,” and “Pulp Fiction,” is retiring after being diagnosed with aphasia has brought attention to a disorder that many peopl...
2022-04-30 20:01:58
Looks like a low budget daytime soap. Notice they never leave the room in the trailer. It's giving me a headache. Oh well to each his own.
2022-04-08 02:58:21
It's really cheesy. Everything was shot inside the same house! Should of been released as a afternoon TV soap. Only saving grace was the cute gal. Not my cup of meat!
2022-03-21 05:13:00
It was just ok with allot of colorful & sexy scenes but on the other hand quite predictable..
2022-03-19 23:30:26
Looks pretty sick! Judging from the Trailer. I'm out!!!
2022-03-16 04:41:37
Not a big fan of cheesy Star Wars wannabe movies. Think I'll check out "Girl on the Mountain" tonight.
2022-03-09 02:50:01
Very annoying! Too much frantic Naomi Watts & her cell phone. At 53 she's not even that good to look at anymore.
2022-02-28 14:27:21
I'm gonna check it on out. The Trailer looked mildly amusing.
2022-02-26 02:52:46
Wow! Glad I didn't watch it at the Theater today. How are we getting this stuff? Thx
2022-02-17 03:41:38
I just watched the Trailer on IMDB. I don't understand the Hype! This thing should be comin in last behind Crying babies & Rap music!
2022-02-16 03:27:18
I don't get it! Can anyone make some sense of this chaotic peace of :_shit? This is almost crazier than David Lynch's Mulholland Drive! Dang!
2022-02-08 02:28:24
This was crazy good! Super acted & well cast. And plenty of bizarre thrills! I was on the the edge of my seat for over 2 1/2 hrs.
2022-02-04 03:07:30
Only reason I'm watching is coz of the hype! Oh & Denzel's in it...That's definitely a selling point...
2022-01-15 02:48:26
Nice art work on the cover, decent rating on IMDB & there's a known star. Deal me in!
2022-01-15 02:42:45
A film for the mentally Ill. It was utterly boring & depressing. For God's sake plz pass on this film.
2022-01-04 22:55:47
Seemed allot like "Black Swan" in so many ways...
2021-12-24 04:04:35
Seems like mixed reviews... 65 Metascore Based on 47 critic reviews provided by
2021-12-23 00:46:48
Not 100% true in my opinion since it could be a learning experience that has a profound effect on your life.
2021-12-18 02:46:50
Get's a 49% on Rotten Tomatoes. Sandra looks stone faced in the trailer! Just watched last night & was impressed. Very nice Cinematography & interesting Story. Couldn't take my eyes off! Luv you Sandra...
2021-12-11 02:11:16
Interesting. I'm going to give it a fair go! The trailer showed some decent acting...
2021-12-08 02:26:26
Yeah trailer looks kind of soapy. But the Gal looks hot so I'll give it a shot! LOL
2021-12-03 04:51:30
Hey no fighting you guys! Damn this dude's such a friggen hot head! Go listen to another Joe Biden speech. Anyway I saw this on the big screen & it's a pretty damn decent flick. Well worth the D/L...
2021-12-02 05:19:44
The trailer seemed a bit cheesy. But hey! We're getting the crap for free so don't complain.
2021-12-01 04:18:27
This was a delightful Christmas story! Even I enjoyed it & I'm an adult. Get it!
2021-11-29 05:07:20
I'm not complaining but it looks boring to the point of annoying.. Imagine a soap opera shot under very poor lighting conditions.
2021-11-27 02:30:43
RUN!!! As fast as you can...
2021-11-15 05:44:31
Kewlness! OMG!!! This was better than the Bond Flick...Can't wait for the sequel eh?
2021-11-13 01:27:26

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And the dude has to screw them sheep coz his wife's not puttin out! LOL
2021-03-03 09:44:46
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2020-04-07 05:15:27

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