User details for manvantar

Username manvantar:_male:
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Joined 2020-04-07 05:13:38
Last Visit 2025-02-21 03:45:26
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    132
Forum Posts 1
Total reviews 2
Reputation points 5

Thanks for your comments on Vacation Friends. Watched it, loved it. 🥂
2021-09-02 07:43:27
Loved your review of Jungle Cruise. Spot on. 🥂
2021-08-01 07:52:59
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Dang! Will there ever be another good movie again? Guess those days are over. eh?
2023-07-05 03:14:17
Hey this looks like a good sane, sober God-fearin Christian film! What's wrong with you boys? I'm going to check it on out. Hell yeah!!!
2023-04-09 01:36:16
This is cool but I couldn't get the sound working!
2023-04-04 13:55:54
At least it's got Dennis Quaid & MGM Studios. Thats a go signal for me.. I dont care if you beleve life Evolved from pond scum or there was a chunk that exploded in outer space.
2023-03-30 04:20:19
How come those surfers don't have a tan? There's something screwy in St. Louie!
2023-03-15 01:52:20
This thing had me going! Reminded me a little of Ghostbusters. Get it!
2023-02-27 03:35:32
Hey this definitely might be a good film for Valentines Day...Quit being a negative Nancy!:_:P
2023-02-14 23:45:56
This wasn't even filmed in the Philippines! It didn't take long to notice. Secondly it's not funny. That's my biggest pet peeve. Third it goes into a poorly acted & scripted action overdrive. Not to say much about it. Is it b...
2023-01-28 03:00:37
It's a spiritual journey!
2023-01-25 02:14:37
2023-01-19 02:21:51
Wow!!! Anything with a dog! I'm gettin it.. arf arf arf!
2023-01-13 19:33:37
A trash movie trying to make fun of trash movies that ended up being garbage.
2023-01-08 03:10:41
I don't know...Looks cheesy! I'll give it a fair go...
2023-01-02 01:10:23
Rambo 1st Blood meets Passion of Christ! No my cup of meat...
2022-12-13 03:29:17
Agreed! I just glossed over it looked rather low-res.
2022-11-24 03:38:28
Haha! This was crazy hilarious & exciting. Get it! BTW his previous flick UHF was good also. Slam dunk another one...
2022-11-04 23:15:37
I liked the part where it ended. Pretty good cinematography from the beautiful island of Bali. Quite predictable but so what. At least there were a couple stars in it!
2022-10-26 04:47:52
When she’s not crying, she’s naked. Or both. Wow! Pretty good watch. Loved it...What a beauty! Ana de Armas. Like a sheep among wolves though. It was sad...One of the best films I've seen in awhile. Most likely will win some awards.
2022-09-29 23:43:00
I just glossed over it but the cinematography seems poor. Did they run out of light bulbs? Anyway for what it's worth there's few telltale signs.
2022-09-25 16:58:05
Trailer looks cheesy. But hey! I'll try anything once...
2022-09-01 04:41:15
Got this for the wife. Her being a Filipina & all. But I was surprised! Lots of witty one liners & cute story...Being a cam w/poor audio the quick talking dialogue was a bit hard to follow. Wish I would of saw it in the theaters. It's no...
2022-08-20 05:09:47
Thank you very much!
2022-08-07 02:40:34
Me & the Wife watched it and thought it was great! Beautiful cinematography, Interesting story, Good music, hot lookin gal...
2022-08-01 03:57:27
This was the worst I my life! Did they run out of light bulbs or was it a power outage? Oh also it was utterly boring & cheesy!
2022-07-28 04:54:39
Trailer looked cheezy
2022-07-26 04:25:21
I'm just here because I thought Harrison Ford was in it.
2022-07-19 20:02:00
Been looking for this THX.
2022-07-18 21:57:45
The trailer 's got me laughing. Ain't nothing wrong with a little good clean family fun. What kind of S*** are we supposed to watch?
2022-06-29 03:55:44

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And the dude has to screw them sheep coz his wife's not puttin out! LOL
2021-03-03 09:44:46
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2020-04-07 05:15:27

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