At least it's got Dennis Quaid & MGM Studios. Thats a go signal for me.. I dont care if you beleve life Evolved from pond scum or there was a chunk that exploded in outer space.
This wasn't even filmed in the Philippines! It didn't take long to notice. Secondly it's not funny. That's my biggest pet peeve. Third it goes into a poorly acted & scripted action overdrive. Not to say much about it. Is it b...
I liked the part where it ended. Pretty good cinematography from the beautiful island of Bali. Quite predictable but so what. At least there were a couple stars in it!
When she’s not crying, she’s naked. Or both. Wow! Pretty good watch. Loved it...What a beauty! Ana de Armas. Like a sheep among wolves though. It was sad...One of the best films I've seen in awhile. Most likely will win some awards.
Got this for the wife. Her being a Filipina & all. But I was surprised! Lots of witty one liners & cute story...Being a cam w/poor audio the quick talking dialogue was a bit hard to follow. Wish I would of saw it in the theaters. It's no...