User details for drbckt

Username drbckt
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Joined 2022-06-07 03:45:53
Last Visit 2025-02-22 00:14:40
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Total reviews 3
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A fiver for your appreciation of "Batteries Not Included" Amazing film indeed.
2023-09-13 23:51:13
Returning what is yours
2022-11-18 23:09:34
For Jaxe's "Spirited" review, nice one.
2022-11-18 13:01:16
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You just made a profile just to shit on these movies. If they offend you, don't watch them.
2023-12-10 04:59:08
I couldn't deal with the fake lisp he was using. Had to turn it off after 10 minutes or so.
2023-12-06 10:29:24
3 girls in bikinis with guns in a crime movie does not scream feminism. Your comment however does scream "incel".
2023-12-06 10:02:15
Yea I was going to download this, but it seems really blurry and I don't want to spend two hours straining my eyes.
2023-11-14 10:23:07
Are you sure you don't really secretly want to say "Hah Bumhug?" :)
2023-11-14 10:21:42
Wow you kinda missed the whole anti-nazi rhetoric message there.
2023-11-06 11:16:58
I saw the first episode on youtube yesterday and this here. Thanks!
2023-11-06 10:26:40
Well hope you don't drive volkswagens either or watch Kenshin :)
2023-11-06 10:26:14
Surprise surprise, Thawne likes Kenshin when most fans disavowed due to the pedophilia charges with the creator Nobuhiro Watsuki. Before you go separate the art from the artist, remember this fandom shielded him from charges.. so fuck him.. and fuck ...
2023-11-06 10:25:32
Dunno if it is great makeup or poor British aging, but man Pierce Brosnan is looking quite weathered.
2023-11-06 10:22:03
Literally a UE5 asset tech demo.
2023-11-04 00:56:38
Jaxe hes had minor roles on SW: Rogue One and a couple of fairly big name movies. But imho he seems a bit milquetoast in most roles, but I suspect your reasons for not recognizing him are different from mine.
2023-11-03 06:27:12
"Congratulations you figured out the pun. Did you use all your braincells?" A mathematically impossible task due to null values.
2023-11-03 06:19:26
So many vampire fiction series spawned from this Biblical tale as well as video game series, wrestlers etc., Also, loving all the downvotes people are getting for (accurately) saying that this is not history. Historical fiction or Mythos at best....
2023-10-29 12:12:42
Maybe control your outrage until you finish watching the whole show? I find South Park very laissez-faire when it comes to mocking everyone.
2023-10-27 07:49:46
Just saw the trailer and against expectations, it seems kinda funny.
2023-10-23 08:06:42
Jesus if it was her running from her abusive boyfriend you would call it misandrist. There's no pleasing some people.
2023-10-17 08:31:26
I really liked the first season etc,. but later I started finding the focus on Jane and the little girl character a bit grating. Also i felt the plots went from crazy whimsical and dark to just convoluted. I didn't even know it was cancelled but...
2023-10-12 11:08:48
It's called acting. He is portraying someone else. Kinda like how lawyer's will defend murderers without thinking that murder is OK or being a murderer themselves due to their respect for the process of the law.
2023-10-11 12:31:22
It could also be a horror movie about gastrointestinal parasites :)
2023-10-10 11:54:48
The term fatally retarded comes to mind. That should prove I'm not PC or woke as you would state it, but still find your brand of "think of the chlidren" to push your bullshit stale and stupid.
2023-10-03 02:50:40
Screenshot #4.. is that you Quatto?
2023-10-02 09:51:08
Who knew Bad AI writing and grandpaw forgetting his meds and getting on social media has an intersection!
2023-09-29 13:33:45
So he's related to Benicio del Toro, Justin Timberlake, Alicia Silverstone.. wow thats a weird family tree
2023-09-29 13:31:53
Thus begins the incel manifesto. I started to read it, but then my mind kept chiming, I can't get laid, thus monogamy is over!
2023-09-25 07:22:10
Man that movie (to me) is an underappreciated classic about both aliens, the disenfranchised and the elderly.
2023-09-12 11:59:31
Movie is not my cup of tea. Sounds kinda boring and a bit too cerebral for me. That being said, if it seems interesting to you hit that download button and enjoy.
2023-09-12 11:56:51
I am thinking of a different R word than you. :) But I won't tell you which one.
2023-09-12 11:56:07
Except Minnie Driver wasn't strangling a cat.. it was James Bond who noted that Irina (Minnie Driver's Character) sounded like a cat being strangled. So perhaps a shutting of your own pie ho...
2023-09-05 12:50:32

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COMMENT: Law and Order: Scarborough would be great :)
2024-03-01 10:45:36
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Guest-2501.. Is it also the Liberal propaganda machine that is responsible for your lack of understanding of sarcasm? That comment is so sarcastic it didn't need a /s

We need to make a new Braille like language, but for the dumb instead of the blind.
2024-02-18 06:10:50
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COMMENT: Guest-2501.. Is it also the Liberal propaganda machine that is responsible for your lack of understanding of sarcasm? That comment is so sarcastic it didn't need a /s

We need to make a new Braille like language, but for the dumb instead of the blind.
2024-02-17 14:04:24
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COMMENT: Did you like your own comment? Fuck this is turning into facebook.
2024-01-03 00:55:42
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Username mememaid:_new:
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Joined 2023-12-10 01:29:11
Last Visit 2023-12-10 02:21:54

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Seems like you signed up to comment for the same "political" and "ugly" reasons too.
2023-12-10 07:29:17
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Are you sure you don't really secretly want to say "Hah Bumhug?" :)
2023-11-14 19:49:59
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COMMENT: Are you sure you don't really secretly want to say "Hah Bumhug?" :)
2023-11-14 11:49:00
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COMMENT: First of all edgelord, it's logical, not logistical. Secondly you speak like somoene off your meds tough guy. However, I am glad you find a movie that you managed to actually enjoy, if even as an affirmative masturbatory fantasy.
2023-11-11 13:40:27
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Wow you kinda missed the whole anti-nazi rhetoric message there.
2023-11-07 04:14:36
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COMMENT: Wow you kinda missed the whole anti-nazi rhetoric message there.
2023-11-06 11:43:42
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COMMENT: Your whole comment is a monument to hypocrisy.
2023-10-29 12:28:44
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COMMENT: Probably for the same reason you breathe through your mouth. And before anyone gets angry, my comments are based on factual history.
2023-09-12 13:32:24
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COMMENT: So black slaves = Caucausian colonists.. they are the same?
2023-09-12 12:14:28
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1967 - The Band comes out, produces a bunch of popular folk rock songs; some bring up slavery in the South. Americans in the South.. still triggered to this day.
2023-08-18 05:49:16
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COMMENT: 1967 - The Band comes out, produces a bunch of popular folk rock songs; some bring up slavery in the South. Americans in the South.. still triggered to this day.
2023-08-18 03:58:32
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Such a shame the indigenous did not do that.
2023-07-14 12:27:56
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Are you telling me South Parks Operation Hide Behind the Darkies was fictional?
2023-05-21 05:16:01
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COMMENT: Are you telling me South Parks Operation Hide Behind the Darkies was fictional?
2023-05-20 12:20:57
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COMMENT: There is a reason people stop using lead in wall paint as it eventually flakes and chips off, which can lead to serious health and developmental problems in children. Unfortunately for Jaxe it was too little and too late combined with too much "wall candy".
2023-05-14 05:05:02
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From what I can tell of the IMDB reviews it stays pretty close to the original film, but it is a musical (so that is a hard pass for me, not a fan of musicals). However, your concerns about it being "woke" is pretty silly all things considered.
2022-12-29 16:57:52

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