User details for drbckt

Username drbckt
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Joined 2022-06-07 03:45:53
Last Visit 2024-12-19 00:32:52
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A fiver for your appreciation of "Batteries Not Included" Amazing film indeed.
2023-09-13 23:51:13
Returning what is yours
2022-11-18 23:09:34
For Jaxe's "Spirited" review, nice one.
2022-11-18 13:01:16
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Pretty good game, reminds me of Ogre Battle for the SNES. 1.0b patchnotes (Steam) If anyone is interested to what changed.:
2022-06-22 03:03:49
Thank you for the comment comrade. Now we go catch moose and squirrel.
2022-06-22 03:01:14
Yea I was going to grab this, but the boomer in me doesn't really like what they've done in the animation design wise compared to the quality of the original.
2022-06-14 10:08:50
I know it's just a movie trope, but I find it hilarious that the generic "satanist sects" love to sacrifice pretty young female virgins. If they really wanted a virgin, there are many many other choices with less police investigation. ...
2022-06-14 10:05:30
Pakisnati? I think its safe to assume they meant Pakistani.
2022-06-14 10:02:06

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COMMENT: Law and Order: Scarborough would be great :)
2024-03-01 10:45:36
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Guest-2501.. Is it also the Liberal propaganda machine that is responsible for your lack of understanding of sarcasm? That comment is so sarcastic it didn't need a /s

We need to make a new Braille like language, but for the dumb instead of the blind.
2024-02-18 06:10:50
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COMMENT: Guest-2501.. Is it also the Liberal propaganda machine that is responsible for your lack of understanding of sarcasm? That comment is so sarcastic it didn't need a /s

We need to make a new Braille like language, but for the dumb instead of the blind.
2024-02-17 14:04:24
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COMMENT: Did you like your own comment? Fuck this is turning into facebook.
2024-01-03 00:55:42
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Username mememaid:_new:
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Joined 2023-12-10 01:29:11
Last Visit 2023-12-10 02:21:54

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Seems like you signed up to comment for the same "political" and "ugly" reasons too.
2023-12-10 07:29:17
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Are you sure you don't really secretly want to say "Hah Bumhug?" :)
2023-11-14 19:49:59
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COMMENT: Are you sure you don't really secretly want to say "Hah Bumhug?" :)
2023-11-14 11:49:00
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COMMENT: First of all edgelord, it's logical, not logistical. Secondly you speak like somoene off your meds tough guy. However, I am glad you find a movie that you managed to actually enjoy, if even as an affirmative masturbatory fantasy.
2023-11-11 13:40:27
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Wow you kinda missed the whole anti-nazi rhetoric message there.
2023-11-07 04:14:36
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COMMENT: Wow you kinda missed the whole anti-nazi rhetoric message there.
2023-11-06 11:43:42
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COMMENT: Your whole comment is a monument to hypocrisy.
2023-10-29 12:28:44
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COMMENT: Probably for the same reason you breathe through your mouth. And before anyone gets angry, my comments are based on factual history.
2023-09-12 13:32:24
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COMMENT: So black slaves = Caucausian colonists.. they are the same?
2023-09-12 12:14:28
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1967 - The Band comes out, produces a bunch of popular folk rock songs; some bring up slavery in the South. Americans in the South.. still triggered to this day.
2023-08-18 05:49:16
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COMMENT: 1967 - The Band comes out, produces a bunch of popular folk rock songs; some bring up slavery in the South. Americans in the South.. still triggered to this day.
2023-08-18 03:58:32
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Such a shame the indigenous did not do that.
2023-07-14 12:27:56
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Are you telling me South Parks Operation Hide Behind the Darkies was fictional?
2023-05-21 05:16:01
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COMMENT: Are you telling me South Parks Operation Hide Behind the Darkies was fictional?
2023-05-20 12:20:57
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COMMENT: There is a reason people stop using lead in wall paint as it eventually flakes and chips off, which can lead to serious health and developmental problems in children. Unfortunately for Jaxe it was too little and too late combined with too much "wall candy".
2023-05-14 05:05:02
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From what I can tell of the IMDB reviews it stays pretty close to the original film, but it is a musical (so that is a hard pass for me, not a fan of musicals). However, your concerns about it being "woke" is pretty silly all things considered.
2022-12-29 16:57:52

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