Permanent userblock user request
2024-11-24 16:12:48
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: You have a go then, you seem to know more than all the Directors and producers, have a go big boy!
2024-11-23 16:29:59
Automated point penalty
( -2 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your reply:
Is that a review of the movie? How is this post even allowed?
2024-11-21 18:23:11
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: A down vote from jaxe? Suprise suprise 🤣🤣
2024-11-08 18:15:03
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: More nonsence, this is as per many other movies "fiction" I bet your great to watch a movie with lol, Oh I forgot, you dont watch many you just critise and write useless unintersting "facts"
2024-10-25 16:13:38
Automated point penalty
( -2 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your reply:
And so do you 👍
2024-10-19 02:26:22
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: And I enjoyed it more without comments, especially from you. :_facepalm
2024-10-18 19:16:25
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: How come my comment asking if this is "Russian Cr*p again or english" gets removed and this comment stays (System) ??????? a Slight bias I think here??????
2024-09-18 18:16:57
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Request/unintelligible
COMMENT: Is this English this time or Russian crap?
2024-09-17 19:00:58
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: More useless info.
2024-09-17 18:59:55
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: "a pile of :_shit Is that based on you seeing it? And you also have some "woke" issues? You need to get with the modern age, good or bad.
Yomanda (incase you did'nt see my name at the top) 👍
2024-08-30 19:28:49
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Love the points penalties when they are comments on certain members :_:-) pathetic enjoy yourselves and knock yourselves out with a penalty on this to complete idiots 🤦♂️🤣
2024-08-30 18:51:52
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: :_:-) Back to the typicle Thawne Comment :_:-), is that Ok system? Not just emojies? :_facepalm
2024-08-30 16:52:53
Automated point penalty
( -4 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Not only emojis in a comment
COMMENT: :_:-):_:-):_:-)
2024-08-30 15:07:31
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Thank you TG "bot"for the lovely points deductions and deleted comments when the original comment is kept (because maybe friends of yours?). Keep deducting away I really dont care some people it seems get away with posting absolute neghative nonsence and get away with it :_;):_:-)
2024-08-24 16:08:56
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Thank you TG "bot"for the lovely points deductions and deleted comments when the original comment is kept (because maybe friends of yours?). Keep deducting away I really dont care some people it seems get away with posting absolute neghative nonsence and get away with it :_;):_:-)
2024-08-24 16:01:53
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: @Guest-4178 32 downvotes on the original comment tells me more agree with me than you to, I'll continue to comment on them to as they are stupid comments with no facts much like your comment :_facepalm
2024-08-24 12:49:18
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: @Guest-4178 32 downvotes on the original comment tells me more agree with me than you to, I'll continue to comment on them to as they are stupid comments with no facts much like your comment :_facepalm
2024-08-24 12:49:09
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: @Guest-4178 WTF are you on about 🤣 too many poeple here (certain ones always) post negative comments on something they have not even seen. Yes I comment similar often but then so many post crap often about a movie they havenet bothered to watch, so shove it! Go on TG staff give me a points pentalty for my opinion IDC
2024-08-24 12:48:28
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Hopefully the other comments dont get a points penaty as spam even though the original comment as usual is spam!
2024-08-24 12:48:01