User details for Brrzrrkrr

Username Brrzrrkrr:_male:
User Class User
Joined 2023-07-15 18:48:14
Last Visit 2024-06-27 20:45:51
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    559
Forum Posts 6
Total reviews 20
Reputation points 70

I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful weekend buddy. Thawne
2024-06-22 14:58:45
It's Wednesday. Celebrate we are halfway there to the weekend. Thank you for your support in torrents comments.
2024-06-19 08:39:54
For having the hypocrisy to preach compassion (2024-06-11 18:41:42) when so many of your comments have been filled with, and deleted because of, inciting hatred.
2024-06-12 15:53:50
Have a great week my friend. Thawne
2024-04-15 01:54:14
Have a wonderful friday my friend. Thawne
2024-04-12 08:54:49
Relax, it's Friday!
2024-04-05 09:30:07
Have a terrific Easter!
2024-03-31 08:33:58
Enjoy today: the first Sunday of Spring 2024.
2024-03-24 06:35:16
Have a great sunday. Thawne
2024-03-24 04:26:41
happy sunday!
2024-03-17 14:12:40
Love your comments and upvotes. Thanks for the input!
2024-03-16 10:47:29
Cheers for the comments Brrzrrkrr much appreciated. TC have a good one:)
2024-03-10 13:44:11
Thank you for your support in the Argylle comments
2024-02-06 07:35:55
Thanks for keeping it real. Here's a 5'er.
2024-01-17 02:40:34
Have a nice weekend!
2023-09-30 22:57:09
A humble fiver for your interesting and well written comments.
2023-09-22 00:32:45
Welcome to TGX, Don't let the Left spoil your stay here.
2023-09-12 06:25:50
Your name is great, and thanks for the comment/question about 8 films to die for! Will1869 is working on uploading each part, four total (32 movies i think)
2023-09-11 11:08:49
Very accurate description of woketopia lolol....nice job😂😉
2023-09-03 09:03:04
Welcome to TGX. Enjoy your stay!
2023-08-24 15:51:52
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The best b-movies are made by writers and directors who are giving it their all. I could be wrong, but I don't think this one will qualify. Really, I haven't seen a fun shark movie since Deep Blue Sea.
2023-09-13 04:49:26
I thought the studio 4k UHD was as it should be. I'm a little surprised to see this.
2023-09-13 03:00:52
My argument is that the Woke propagate the myth of the noble savage: I also stated that ALL human cultures have experienced a 'Stone Age', it isn't special or laudable when a culture fails to...
2023-09-12 07:44:38
LiberalLesbo: My o/p is rooted in historical accuracy. As for citing proof; perhaps you misunderstand the nature of this forum. But I get it, your favorite tactics are ex cathedra Woke statements. Try refuting the argument as opposed to attempting to...
2023-09-12 05:32:39
Buzz words/phrases such as 'white supremacy' mark you as Woke and a racist. The Woke believe discussing race in any manner outside of the framework they provide is unacceptable. The reflexive response, scream 'racism' and 'wh...
2023-09-12 04:39:49
Why do the radical left continue to perpetuate the myth that certain groups, specifically aboriginal/native/first nations, are somehow more special, pure and morally advanced than anyone of European descent? The irony of it, is that most of the movi...
2023-09-12 03:59:51
Possibly the funniest adult animated series ever made. It's also an excellent test for fascist tendencies. If you watch this show, and you find yourself offended, and believe it should be censored or destroyed, then you are against freedom of ...
2023-09-11 19:36:50
Okay, of the three collections of After Dark Horror, will1869 has kinds provided us, this is the one horror hounds should NOT miss! The Abandoned is amazing! It's much smarter than you'd think. The Gravedancers is the most fun! The thin...
2023-09-11 19:21:49
Very much looking forward to this film.
2023-09-11 17:57:25
While time travel is usually my least favourite sub-genre of SF, this does sound intriguing. Thank-you.
2023-09-11 05:01:03
Here's a link to John McWhorter's book about Wokeism as a religion, available on this site: He is currently an asso...
2023-09-09 08:01:26
From Wikipedia: Religious studies, also known as the study of religion, is an academic field devoted to research into religious beliefs, behaviors, and institutions. It describes, compares, interprets, and explains religion, emphasizing systematic, h...
2023-09-09 06:45:11
The problem is that 'politics' (really Woke religious propaganda) now regularly infuses the majority of mainstream film and television releases. The messaging is often more important to the providers than story, technical aspects and entert...
2023-09-08 20:54:35
A very fun post. I've previously seen all the films included, and there are a few winners here. Frontier(s) is the most intense.
2023-09-08 07:42:30
You know you're dealing with a Woke fanatic, when their response to anything is to bring up Trump. Donald is the literal Devil in their religion. :_:-@
2023-09-08 07:30:37
Are you including the best from that festival (over the years), The Gravedancers and The Abandoned?
2023-09-07 17:59:25
Sadly true. This is a movie that deserves a 4K transfer. The director gave us Dark City, and the writer is amazing (see his novels and short stories).
2023-09-07 01:00:21
I understand where you're coming from, but I usually look at who wrote and directed a film rather than just the bodies in it. Also, I can't resist raunchy comedies (which we get so few of these days). I'm going to watch.
2023-09-06 19:49:13
Thank-you very much. I remember enjoying this film more than the original. No one I know agreed with me. It's probably time to re-watch it.
2023-09-06 07:33:41
I wouldn't call it slow, rather I'd use the word 'measured', much like Breaking Bad.
2023-09-06 01:21:19
Anyone who hasn't seen this: This is likely the best 'vampire' film of the last 20 years.
2023-09-05 07:54:50
Actually, I empathize with GuitarTroy; I prefer not to know the ending before I start the journey. However, in this case, the literary work that inspired the film is widely known, so it doesn't cause harm to begin with the end (or a version of ...
2023-09-05 04:58:01
People interested in authenticity, internal consistency and the importance of being true to the spirit of the source material, will care. If the box says chocolate, and you open it to find some strawberry mixed in, then you'd be justified in yo...
2023-09-05 03:29:49
LiberalLesbo: You play at intellectual honesty, but openly support Superbikemike calling me 'racist' and 'stupid'. There's a lack of sincerity there. As for Superbikemike, he's perfect evidence that my characterization o...
2023-09-03 21:33:28
My response was not aimed at an individual, thus is not an ad hominem attack, unlike that of people calling me racist. What you ask for in the way of evidence is impossible with the limited number of characters I'm allowed in my posts here. As f...
2023-09-03 21:25:25
You're correct, I am painting with a broad brush. However, the evidence of Woke ideology was made clear in the comment I responded to. Also, when Hollywood hands out jobs based on skin color, sexuality and sex, that is a clear example of racism ...
2023-09-03 19:58:42
Agreed. When the Woke say diversity, what they really mean, is society should discriminate based on skin color. When they talk about equality, what they actually mean is equity, everyone should get the same results, regardless of merit or work done. ...
2023-09-03 19:53:29
Thank-you. Now all we need is an AI Stanley Kubrick to make the film as it should have been (with a rumored script Bob Shaw worked on).
2023-09-03 07:40:52
Whenever a member of the Woke religion is offended (which is always), they will reply with ad hominem attacks (personal insults). These will almost always all be one of the following: Racist, bigot or denier or incel. They don't really underst...
2023-09-03 04:33:29

Post preview
I didn't have all of the information when I made this request. It turns out that 'High Lane' is the English name of the french movie Vertige. I'm more than happy to get a copy of...
2023-12-20 21:26:41
Hey All, I'm looking for an Australian horror film from 2009 called 'High Lane'. I've tried the usual suspects (including BTDIGG) and nothing is being seeded. Does anyone have...
2023-12-18 22:26:02
A big thank-you to everyone providing horror themed Halloween banners! I was surprised to receive an e-mail about something promoting Halloween-spirit. It really is the best holiday, and my horror-l...
2023-09-14 07:11:48
Are you seriously putting down Mad Headroom, a show decades ahead of it's time!
2023-09-10 02:50:15
Hi All, Thank-you, Barharmar, for the link. I have tried BTDigg before (and I just tried again) to download 'Among the Living' (2014). Unfortunately, the torrent doesn't appear to ...
2023-09-09 00:09:18
Greetings All, I'm looking for a 1080p (ideally a remux) copy of the 2014 horror film 'Among the Living'. This is the third film made by Ale...
2023-09-08 08:10:48

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A torrent site is not a court of law, and contempt is the correct response for those people and things that are worthy of it. I have heaps of contempt for those who try to silence, censor and de-platform those who disagree with their religious agenda. And for LL's guest bot army.
2024-06-26 05:24:18
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: A torrent site is not a court of law, and contempt is the correct response for those people and things that are worthy of it. I have heaps of contempt for those who try to silence, censor and de-platform those who disagree with their religious agenda. And for LL's guest bot army.
2024-06-25 18:56:19
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Looking at your modified Star of David, I have to call out this epic hypocrisy. What about Queers for Palestine and the hundreds of other Woke groups on Western university campuses calling for the destruction of Israel and the death of all Jews?
2024-06-21 03:01:55
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( 1 points )
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Peer reviewed counts for nothing when the peers involved are yourself, and those who are similarly religiously indoctrinated. It's also an inappropriate demand outside the context of a document due for publication from an academic journal.
2024-06-13 05:56:29
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Peer reviewed counts for nothing when the peers involved are yourself, and those who are similarly religiously indoctrinated. It's also an inappropriate demand outside the context of a document due for publication from an academic journal.
2024-06-12 18:16:31
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Reviews by people with no proven qualifications or expertise to judge the book. There is strong evidence (to be found in her posts) that LiberalLesbo is a Woke fanatic and dedicated activist. She believes herself to be among the elect and privy to insights and a unique morality that are unsupported by any facts.

Quote from a McWhorter interview:

Interview Highlights

Why is it that you assert that people who are pushing a particular kind of anti-racism are practicing something like a religion?

Part of many religions is that at a certain point, you're supposed to suspend disbelief. At a certain point, you're supposed to stop using logic and you're just supposed to, for example, believe. You're just supposed to have faith. That is the way this new anti-racism goes in many cases. ...

This is a religion where instead of it being about your faith in Jesus, it's about showing that you know that racism exists above all else, including basic compassion. That's religious.
2024-06-12 05:07:44
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( 5 points )
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Careful, according to the Woke is you don't LOVE everything gay, and want to see it endlessly paraded on your screen you're a bigot... also a racist, because according to them everything is racist.
2024-06-12 04:52:46
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Reviews by people with no proven qualifications or expertise to judge the book. There is strong evidence (to be found in her posts) that LiberalLesbo is a Woke fanatic and dedicated activist. She believes herself to be among the elect and privy to insights and a unique morality that are unsupported by any facts.

Quote from a McWhorter interview:

Interview Highlights

Why is it that you assert that people who are pushing a particular kind of anti-racism are practicing something like a religion?

Part of many religions is that at a certain point, you're supposed to suspend disbelief. At a certain point, you're supposed to stop using logic and you're just supposed to, for example, believe. You're just supposed to have faith. That is the way this new anti-racism goes in many cases. ...

This is a religion where instead of it being about your faith in Jesus, it's about showing that you know that racism exists above all else, including basic compassion. That's religious.
2024-06-12 00:54:11
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Hate inciting
COMMENT: Careful, according to the Woke is you don't LOVE everything gay, and want to see it endlessly paraded on your screen you're a bigot... also a racist, because according to them everything is racist.
2024-06-08 18:19:48
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( 10 points )
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Spanish horror in remux form, yes please!
2024-05-30 20:15:59
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COMMENT: Spanish horror in remux form, yes please!
2024-05-30 20:15:01
:_banned: Temporary userban removed.
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2024-04-04 07:00:01
:_banned: Temporary userban added!
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2024-04-01 06:51:37
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( 4 points )
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Mel Brooks, another Jewish comedy genius who contributed to Western culture. So much better than Muslim contributions such as 9/11.
2024-03-31 06:30:53
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REASON: Unnecessary comment
COMMENT: Mel Brooks, another Jewish comedy genius who contributed to Western culture. So much better than Muslim contributions such as 9/11.
2024-03-30 07:12:28
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The Woke are all about censorship and cancellation. They want to control the narrative. They'll even generate bots to down vote anyone who says anything that disagrees with their religious dogma. They control and are destroying Hollywood. It's why there are next to no decent movies released.
2024-03-03 06:08:29
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: The Woke are all about censorship and cancellation. They want to control the narrative. They'll even generate bots to down vote anyone who says anything that disagrees with their religious dogma. They control and are destroying Hollywood. It's why there are next to no decent movies released.
2024-03-02 21:09:19
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( -5 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Extremely vulgar
COMMENT: Before I read the synopsis, I thought this movie was about sex with a woman during her period.:_:-@
2024-02-17 08:00:57
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: After Woke hypocrites censor and attempt to cancel me, they're angry when I use the same tools they are.
2024-02-06 08:38:24
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( 1 points )
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Yes, the Woke have a mob mentality, when someone pushes back they follow you around the site, attempting to cancel your messages and launching personal attacks. Most hiding behind Guest status.
2024-02-05 05:28:10

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by jaxe:_banned::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_boob::_sitelover::_junkie::_kitty::_sun::_turtle:
    on 2023-12-23 08:52:01
Merry Christmas Long Weekend!
Liked by - Brrzrrkrr:_male:
:) :( :D :P :-) B) 8o :? 8) ;) :-* :-( :| O:-D Party Pirates Yuk Facepalm :-@
:o) Pacman Shit Alien eyes Ass Warn Help Bad Love Joystick Boom Eggplant Floppy TV Ghost Note Msg

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