User details for Brrzrrkrr

Username Brrzrrkrr:_male:
User Class User
Joined 2023-07-15 18:48:14
Last Visit 2024-12-18 04:34:44
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    729
Forum Posts 6
Total reviews 40
Reputation points 164

A good November week with fair weather and safe travels awaits you.
2024-11-13 05:29:56
Here's 5 to celebrate the return of the Comments section after a month downtime.
2024-10-21 22:06:52
Good News! I am on 6 days Fall Break vacation! Here's 5 to join me in a drink or two.
2024-10-13 19:39:36
It's Taco Tuesday again! Tacos make it easier for us in making through yet another week of faking adulthood!
2024-10-01 23:49:40
Really miss the Comments Section 5 Points.
2024-09-28 12:24:14
Join me in praying for the safe return of the torrents; user comments feature.
2024-09-25 05:04:34
May the TGX Force guide you though another Hump Day Wednesday!
2024-09-18 08:31:37
Celebrate the rebirth of TGX!
2024-09-06 22:32:31
5 for your Wednesday.
2024-08-28 13:27:19
5 to celebrate we are halfway through August!
2024-08-17 11:09:59
Happy Thomas Bohrer's birthday to you today! Hope you mysteriously receive some of his presents in the mail.
2024-08-06 06:17:10
2024-07-30 15:18:53
Is it Tuesday yet?
2024-07-29 22:42:42
5 for the monday blues.
2024-07-29 19:07:46
Hope it's a quick easy Monday for ya!
2024-07-22 03:59:31
Enjoy your Wednesday.
2024-07-17 14:52:41
Enjoy your wonderful Friday.
2024-07-12 11:03:19
Have an absolutely awesome weekend little matey, with movies, tv shows, variety hours and hookers galore. Always the hookers. Love your work.
2024-07-12 09:17:14
Have a fun-tastic week and if you happen to be in the USA, enjoy your July 4th holiday
2024-07-01 23:59:49
For a fellow Mad Max fan.
2024-06-30 14:09:01
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Very interested, but no HDcam for me. Hopefully it gets a decent release sometime soon.
2024-02-17 00:27:10
Even the more traditional members of the far left are shocked by the societal-damage Wokeism is responsible for. Thank-you for the book.
2024-02-16 11:43:59
I don't get it. Madame Webb is an elderly woman with myasthenia gravis, connected to a life support system resembling a spiderweb. Yet another super-hero movie that completely ignores the source material, and demonstrates that 'represen...
2024-02-15 20:43:43
Thank-you webmaster32. This is another fun torrent!
2024-02-15 20:12:44
Revenge was disappointing (and badly done). A Girl Walks Home at Night, was weak. An Iranian vampire just isn't enough, even with the overly-artsy direction applied. Raw was forgettable. I skipped The Love Witch, as the reviews indicated it w...
2024-02-15 08:56:05
One of the greatest films ever made, bar none.
2024-02-15 04:12:54
I didn't love this film, but it was still much better than Five Nights at Freddy's. Thank you, Webmaster32.
2024-02-14 05:36:47
I don't have any faith in this film because of the people who made it. There hasn't been a decent female directed horror film since 'The Babadook', and that was 10 years ago.
2024-02-14 05:34:55
Pinball, sweet! Thank-you.
2024-02-12 18:48:40
Many thanks, Webmaster32. I can't resist the horror films.
2024-02-12 16:53:12
Never seen this before. Thank-you.
2024-02-11 19:45:44
Thank-you very much for the movie.
2024-02-10 11:29:29
I love horror, but I don't think I can get motivated to watch this. There are fewer and fewer good films every years.
2024-02-10 08:05:35
A Walter Hill film in 4K remux... very welcome! Thank-you, webmaster32, still the best uploader on the site.
2024-02-08 17:08:08
Great torrent! Mike Mendez has made some truly fun horror flicks and this one is among them. For those who want to see his best, seek out The Gravedancers.
2024-02-07 17:31:42
It's about time that this classic was cleaned up for 4K! Thank-you for posting.
2024-02-07 17:05:44
This is the largest file for the movie, but it's only in stereo when other, much smaller (likely lower bit rate) options are in surround.
2024-02-07 08:07:11
Essential reading for everyone in the West. Sowell exposes the Woke religion as the neo-Marxist monster it is. This book explains the false concepts modern Woke (SJW) base their fictional ideas on. After reading it, you will understand why the We...
2024-02-06 21:26:32
I think Alice Eve is better than average in the acting department. It's often hard to know how good someone is, when they haven't had a truly meaty role.
2024-02-06 18:27:01
Yes, the Woke have a mob mentality, when someone pushes back they follow you around the site, attempting to cancel your messages and launching personal attacks. Most hiding behind Guest status.
2024-02-04 19:52:04
This movie IS made by white males. So what you just said is contradictory, and demonstrates Jaxe is not focused on race. You are. I'll also wait for a good quality copy. Apple bought this for 200 million while it was being shot, so it's al...
2024-02-03 23:37:07
Webmaster32: Without you this site would be 50% less appealing!
2024-02-03 19:51:06
Excellent! I was waiting for a remux of this.
2024-02-03 19:49:21
For those who'd like some insight into Woke DEI policies in Hollywood, and how they're impacting writers there, please follow this link: There is ...
2024-02-03 07:45:08
I linked a video replete with proof. Also, I've previously linked Amazon's DEI policy. You know this is all easily available for those who take a moment to look. You have the internet too, use it, stop being lazy.
2024-02-03 02:50:52
Many thanks! This is a good one for the horror library.
2024-02-02 19:05:13
When the people who are given jobs in a writer's room are getting them because of their color, race, and sexual orientation, as opposed to merit, that is racism and bigotry in action. When 'creatives' are hired based on an agenda of b...
2024-02-02 18:37:30
Want to know why the majority of TV shows and movies engage in race and gender swapping? Here's a video presenting insight into Woke Hollywood, and who the 'creatives' are: This is why Mr...
2024-02-02 08:05:03
Thank-you for the upload... I had no idea this was available in 4K.
2024-02-01 23:54:08
This PG films is far inferior to the first, but excellent to have here for collectors. Thank-you!
2024-01-31 17:20:53

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I didn't have all of the information when I made this request. It turns out that 'High Lane' is the English name of the french movie Vertige. I'm more than happy to get a copy of...
2023-12-20 21:26:41
Hey All, I'm looking for an Australian horror film from 2009 called 'High Lane'. I've tried the usual suspects (including BTDIGG) and nothing is being seeded. Does anyone have...
2023-12-18 22:26:02
A big thank-you to everyone providing horror themed Halloween banners! I was surprised to receive an e-mail about something promoting Halloween-spirit. It really is the best holiday, and my horror-l...
2023-09-14 07:11:48
Are you seriously putting down Mad Headroom, a show decades ahead of it's time!
2023-09-10 02:50:15
Hi All, Thank-you, Barharmar, for the link. I have tried BTDigg before (and I just tried again) to download 'Among the Living' (2014). Unfortunately, the torrent doesn't appear to ...
2023-09-09 00:09:18
Greetings All, I'm looking for a 1080p (ideally a remux) copy of the 2014 horror film 'Among the Living'. This is the third film made by Ale...
2023-09-08 08:10:48

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Maybe he is very fat, and they are very tiny? I guess movies by women for women about women, don't require an actual plot.
2024-11-06 23:39:54
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And look how many in the West are openly calling for the death of all the Jews again. It is good to witness another movie to remind us of real evil, so that when we hear it on modern college campuses, we know what those people really are.
2024-07-31 05:28:12
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Nasty s*&^ such as defending themselves from Iran's radical terrorists who attacked, raped, killed babies on October 7th, while recording it and applauding their actions. Jews gave us Hollywood, Islam only gives the West terror.
2024-07-30 15:18:10
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Nasty s*&^ such as defending themselves from Iran's radical terrorists who attacked, raped, killed babies on October 7th, while recording it and applauding their actions. Jews gave us Hollywood, Islam only gives the West terror.
2024-07-30 15:08:59
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REASON: Hate inciting
COMMENT: And look how many in the West are openly calling for the death of all the Jews again. It is good to witness another movie to remind us of real evil, so that when we hear it on modern college campuses, we know what those people really are.
2024-07-30 15:07:36
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Stupid is when someone accuses other people of fearing sexuality. The Woke purposely ignore all nuance and logic when inventing words and phrases to serve as insults that take the place of arguments they're unable to make.
2024-07-22 05:21:15
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Stupid is when someone accuses other people of fearing sexuality. The Woke purposely ignore all nuance and logic when inventing words and phrases to serve as insults that take the place of arguments they're unable to make.
2024-07-21 23:20:06
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COMMENT: The only way I'll watch next year's Oscars is if it's held in a giant tank and all the celebrities get to share it with hungry sharks. "And the Oscar, along with Brie Larson's arm, goes to a hungry shark!" Shark representation matters and Shark Lives Matter!
2024-07-18 07:58:07
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We'd be living in huts, warring with one another to get enough to eat, and a large percentage of women would be dying in childbirth. Sorry to see Jaxe's account hijacked.
2024-07-14 05:22:34
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: We'd be living in huts, warring with one another to get enough to eat, and a large percentage of women would be dying in childbirth. Sorry to see Jaxe's account hijacked.
2024-07-12 14:04:00
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COMMENT: Very likely a misspelling of 'prawn'. I assume a gay one would have been a prawn used in a homosexual act, that might latter have to be retrieved by a very brave doctor in the Emergency department.
2024-07-08 19:02:02
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The Woke religious always claim they aren't doing something while they blatantly do that very thing. They also trot out their favorite catchphrases such as 'racist', 'homophobic', 'misogynist', 'heteronormative' etc... This, paired with pretend expertise and references to Woke academic sources, comprise their output.
2024-07-08 05:52:06
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How is it we're told that Western cultures are systemically racist, yet at the same time they've always been loaded with 'minorities' who attain notable social positions? The Woke mythology is internally inconsistent and emotion, not reason or evidence based.
2024-07-08 05:51:42
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Once again, the Woke mob defaults to personal attacks, because their supposed arguments and evidence are either manufactured by other Wokies, or internally inconsistent. I also wonder who is puppeting these conveniently appearing and down voting 'guests'.
2024-07-08 05:48:31
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Woke DEI proselytizing makes for terrible movies and television. For a wonderfully satiric explanation of this, check out YouTube's Despot of Antrim's: DEI Disasters: When Diversity Hiring Goes Wrong in Hollywood
2024-07-08 05:48:27
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: The Woke religious always claim they aren't doing something while they blatantly do that very thing. They also trot out their favorite catchphrases such as 'racist', 'homophobic', 'misogynist', 'heteronormative' etc... This, paired with pretend expertise and references to Woke academic sources, comprise their output.
2024-07-07 19:18:28
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: How is it we're told that Western cultures are systemically racist, yet at the same time they've always been loaded with 'minorities' who attain notable social positions? The Woke mythology is internally inconsistent and emotion, not reason or evidence based.
2024-07-07 19:18:13
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Once again, the Woke mob defaults to personal attacks, because their supposed arguments and evidence are either manufactured by other Wokies, or internally inconsistent. I also wonder who is puppeting these conveniently appearing and down voting 'guests'.
2024-07-07 01:15:26
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Woke DEI proselytizing makes for terrible movies and television. For a wonderfully satiric explanation of this, check out YouTube's Despot of Antrim's: DEI Disasters: When Diversity Hiring Goes Wrong in Hollywood
2024-07-07 01:14:24
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Yes, because I believe in an 'eye for an eye'. Even now my messages are cancelled (then often reinstated) because of Woke :_shit reporting them (two yesterday). Not to mention the issue of Woke bot mobs that magically appear in threads, voting and commenting, all within an hour or so.
2024-07-05 18:58:29

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by jaxe:_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_kitty::_sun::_turtle:
    on 2023-12-23 08:52:01
Merry Christmas Long Weekend!
Liked by - Brrzrrkrr:_male:
:) :( :D :P :-) B) 8o :? 8) ;) :-* :-( :| O:-D Party Pirates Yuk Facepalm :-@
:o) Pacman Shit Alien eyes Ass Warn Help Bad Love Joystick Boom Eggplant Floppy TV Ghost Note Msg

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