User details for kazaly

Username kazaly
User Class User
Joined 2019-11-14 03:11:46
Last Visit 2025-02-22 08:22:27
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    108
Forum Posts 18
Total reviews 10
Reputation points 41

Good One
2021-11-02 10:54:50
Nice review of Foundation. Gonna watch a few more .... Cheers! 🥂
2021-09-25 16:04:23
Hello ! Sure appreciate your review on "Fondation" Have a great weekend ! :-))
2021-09-24 15:15:00
Thumbs up for the Britannia tip. Cheers! 🥂
2021-08-25 02:03:25
Thank you for your kind words and support.
2021-07-07 05:22:18
Thanks for the shout out. I haven't figured out why Galaxy uploads useless subs in his torrents. Because of that I've started trying to give links to subs when I can.
2021-03-14 21:50:32
Thank you for the kind message. Have a happy & healthy 2020!
2019-12-28 12:25:07
Thank you for supporting TG's artists by voting in the Christmas banner competition.
2019-12-24 14:35:26
Thank you for supporting TG's artists by voting in the Christmas banner competition.
2019-12-21 13:49:22
Nice avatar & nice job getting it to work LOL
2019-12-02 08:10:58
Add Review

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I couldn't find his name up in lights but Hollywood has proven very fertile ground for IRS investigators. Everyone knows about Nic Cage's $14m debt but there are plenty more:
2021-10-23 08:05:34
I personally found the EVO 1080p rip perfectly acceptable on a 4' Sony via Kodi on a networked android box. Maybe I'm a "fanboy" but I thought this adaptation was very much in the spirit of the book and had the pacing was spot on...
2021-10-18 05:11:57
A great English drama/disaster based thriller with an outstanding cast and well worth the watching. Make sure you see Season 1 first as the plot is very linear and you wouldn't want to miss the setup. 4 Episodes are available ATM but all 6 s...
2021-10-15 05:18:29
@ Guest 3447 (and anyone else who needs subs) - here is some general advice: 1. Google is your friend - search "subtitles" 2. Your download has a text doc named "Source" - use the source file title to search the sub sites ie &qu...
2021-10-06 06:19:25
@jaxe - that's because they're scraping the bottom of the barrel lol
2021-10-04 06:40:40
Nordic Noir at its gripping best? You betcha! I'm quite enjoying what darkness the Danes have produced here. Highly recommended!
2021-09-30 09:07:35
This sounds an interesting, if slightly off beat, fantasy indie flick. Here's the IMDB reference: Here's an external review and the only one to to be found.
2021-09-28 08:19:58
Thank you to the uploader for a great rip. The wait was well worth it and the adaptation of the 1st Asimov Foundation novel is spot on. The acting is excellent, the CGI outstanding and the sets are extremely impressive. This production just reeks ...
2021-09-24 14:37:27
What you can expect is 2 x 90 minute episodes or 180 minutes all up. It's a mini-series and was originally destined to be in 4 parts but has been compounded into 2.
2021-09-15 02:47:00
Great series Kent9, you'll love it. I've been hanging out for season 3 of this Druids vs Romans, sand and sandal epic :_:P Major kudos to the uploader !!!
2021-08-25 01:25:44
Obviously some deep confusion here on the part of the uploader! As for the movie, it is a Canadian flick, produced in 2020 and released in 2021. Props are modern and the male lead is aged 30 (no evidence of older production date). It's easy t...
2021-08-10 01:47:28
@jaxe - this is a Sth African flick and their writing is different and often pretty quirky. I'd say there's a good chance that both those plot lines can happily coexist.
2021-07-23 06:28:55
Thank you GalaxyRG; ripmeisters extraordinaire! Jaxe took the words right out of my mouth and I'm not such a woke bloke that I won't own up to the last ones either :_B)
2021-07-09 09:12:20
Amazon's takeover was the kiss of death for imdb I'm afraid. It's pretty much a marketing vehicle for Prime streaming these days and user input has been severely limited.
2021-07-08 05:30:25
Thank you GalaxyRG for the upload Thank you Jaxe for the reviews and the humour ;) As for you Guest 3915, the lovely Jaxe just saved you both bandwidth and a nasty case of aching click digit by helpfully homologating reviews! Thanks is in order, n...
2021-07-07 05:14:58
When I saw this arrive in the Movies section I assumed it was a capture/rip rather than a cam. I avoid the Cams section precisely for the reason that the cams these days, no matter their quality, are unwatchable by virtue of the garbage that litters...
2021-06-19 03:04:09
Wow, an Asylum rip off you say? Now that's sinking to an alltime low :_:D
2021-06-13 01:52:06
@Guest-1937 - Over the last few years, joining Hollywood to Culture has resulted in one bastard of an oxymoron ;)
2021-06-01 07:26:38
Thanks for this great rip of an outstanding film. I can highly recommend this decidedly anti-war masterpiece as an inspired remake of the 1964 original effort. Malick is one of the US's most accomplished and intelligent story tellers (Harvard ...
2021-05-17 05:23:43
Guest-1835 - Could it be because said voice actor performs all clone trooper parts?
2021-05-05 04:46:17
Try this one: Change the filename to whichever of the 4 you will be using. Don't forget to to give it the .srt file extension.
2021-05-01 08:24:28
Eric Roberts stars in this gripping new mockbuster from The Asylum. Danger Will Robertson!
2021-04-30 07:04:14
Reaper is as usual spot on. This is yet another poor remake; in this case just a rework of an existing script: Harry Hurwitz's "The Comeback Trail" of 1982 (he does at least get a credit). It seems Gallo (direction/screenplay) and P...
2021-04-16 02:50:12
Many thanks, I've been hanging out for this
2021-04-15 10:16:39
Of course it's crap; that's just what Max Bialystock wants. Unfortunately what he gets is Will Ferrell as a gay Nazi and that unforgettable ballad "Springtime for Hitler". Two of my alltime fave moments from one very funny flick...
2021-04-12 04:59:51
@pgcharlie: description correction: Harrow is an Australian TV Series filmed in Brisbane and surrounds by Hoodlum Entertainment and screened on the ABC (Aussie BBC) and Disney in the US. Trivia: Harrow's live aboard yacht is located on the s...
2021-04-12 03:13:50
I thought I'd just have to give this a go, if only to see how a remake would be managed. Sad to report, it was a severe mis. The grasshopper has become an annoying mosquito. I had hoped that this may have drawn on the excellent series "W...
2021-04-09 03:53:42
I had to view this offering with a highly jaundiced eye upon discovering the star, director and writer are all named Joe Cornet :_:?
2021-04-07 03:24:22
It definitely looks like a 7 ep series but it seems there will probably be a season 2. Apparently production is in talks with the code breakers who unscrambled the Zodiac killer's missives with a view towards adding realism to a second season. ...
2021-03-23 06:08:19
@comgetme and guest2842, thank you so much for the subs links; improved the film no end :) @Guest-1773, Prolly not a bloke but still too woke to get a joke lol @Guest-2911, Carn prissy missy, get over yourself and get a life ;)
2021-03-13 07:36:47

Post preview
Site issues: Yesterday I couldn't post. Today I can't search; apparently I would need to change my IP ???? Are we having issues?
2024-01-20 06:31:57
Does anyone know what's going on with S04 of Miss Scarlet and the Duke? The season premiered 4 days ago on PBS and Passport but all I can find so far are shitty Russian dubs. Gotta keep she who...
2024-01-11 06:44:32
Thanks Mafketel, Looks like IMDB gave me a bum steer and it wouldn't be the first time :/
2023-09-16 09:41:56
I was wondering when Season 2 of this will arrive. We are halfway through the season but still no show anywhere; unusual for a darn good show continuing after a cliffhanger end to S1! [url=https:/...
2023-09-16 07:01:09
Thanks miok, I hope the problem is not too serious. I've noticed it growing for some time (months) and thought it may have been some sort of disruptive attack - given that there have been so man...
2022-12-29 10:03:06
I've been getting expired certificate errors for a while now but things are becoming a bit desperate. .to, .mx and .su are all coming up as expired and my only success was with That'...
2022-12-29 08:45:38
Just thought I'd give a heads up: the captcha system is misfiring badly ATM. Multiple failures on correct entry. Although logged in, frequent requests for captcha re-entry while navigating. N...
2022-11-25 22:52:56
The term "Colourist" is a fad title new to the film industry. All cine post production has Colour Grading applied after editing. This is normally an effort to colour match scenes either si...
2022-01-26 01:53:00
Not to fear Jaxe, the similar list will be back soon according to a new notice on the torrent page.
2021-11-07 07:01:27
Exactly the question I came here to ask; the missing related files list that is. I suppose it will eventually reappear when the maintenance gets its final tidy up?
2021-11-06 04:06:15
While all the entries are excellent work there are 3 that do stand out IMHO for design theme and visual impact. 1st goes to # 2 2nd goes to #7 3rd goes to #15 Congrats to all who entered :! T...
2020-12-19 05:00:10
Eeny, meeny, miney ... [size=6][color=blue][b]3[/b][/color][/size]
2019-12-22 22:55:28
Defo Numero ... [size=6][b][color=blue]3[/color][/b][/size]
2019-12-22 22:51:45
2019-12-19 04:42:17
Defo #[size=6]3[/size]
2019-12-19 04:25:08
Thanks for your help, it was my stupidity. All good now :)
2019-11-27 07:42:02
Trying to give myself a face aka avatar but am unable to update profile settings page. When I save the avatar's url, the field reverts to the old url which does not work due to certificate issues.
2019-11-27 07:21:18
I've already got 4 fences; one on each side of my yard. Why do I need a fence here? I wouldn't mind so much if it was once a day but this is happening on multiple occasions every day, even after I'v...
2019-11-27 01:40:33

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( -4 points )
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REASON: Spoiler
COMMENT: Well the finale of a truly great series fizzled out in a talkfest.
There was no peaceful assumption of power for Toranaga (in reality Tokugawa Ieyasu) though the deceptive practices were probably close to the truth.
The culmination however, was the battle of Sekigahara in 1600 that led to 260 yrs of the Tokugawa shogunate a few years later, the expulsion of the Portugese and the closing of the doors to Japan until the arrival of Perry (any Gaijin putting ashore were summarily executed).
Sekigahara was an absolute bloodbath so this ep's treatment is equivalent to doing a history of Lincoln without Gettysburg or Napoleon without Borodino or Waterloo.
It's been a fabulous series that's been truer to the history and ethos of the Japanese than Clavell's novel but then they blow the ending.
Geez Louise! So disappointing.
2024-04-23 14:02:15
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Ah my dear comrade 3609 but you are so wrong nyet?
Mother Russia is Russia only yet the glorious bolshevik collective state of Soviet Union aka USSR was somewhat different makeup.
Composition told to me by good friend Borat is:
15 republics–Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Belorussia, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
Ahhh great gloriousness to Kazakhstan!
2021-11-03 13:14:25
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2019-11-14 03:12:26

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