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Stop abusing the report button to belittle people who don't share your personal opinions!
2024-04-20 16:50:31
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2024-04-13 14:48:11
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COMMENT: Do you have friends in real life ? spending so much time telling strangers the things you dont want to watch is just plain weird.
2023-10-12 21:54:38
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Guest 1884. "We’re not consciously doing a historically accurate show, of course, because otherwise the casting would look completely different.." as I said, it's a dramatisation and the actors are merely acting.. they arent inserting a black 'identity' to the role.
2023-09-20 19:34:28
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@ Brrzrrkr. no it distracts YOU from the story. Your projections are futile.
2023-09-20 19:34:28
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@guest -2817. You obviously dont know what dramatisation or acting is compared to historical biographies'. It is about the substance of acting that anyone can play a role, even without the need for makeup or cultural/racial references to the actors appearance. For hundreds of years actors have role reversed.
2023-09-20 19:34:27
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: @guest-2907 explain the lie please, because it appears you're talking shite.
2023-09-19 20:02:36
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REASON: Unnecessary comment
COMMENT: fuck this comments section. Just an influx of daft cunts that dont even watch the movies. They are just hear to berate and hate.
2023-09-15 13:22:09
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that thumb is her sister returning to the surface the second time( blood on her nose because she didn't decompress), to get help. maybe actually watching the movie would have told you that
2023-09-14 07:00:14
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REASON: NO Spoilers ... It's not up to you to post the possible outcome of the movie..
COMMENT: that thumb is her sister returning to the surface the second time( blood on her nose because she didn't decompress), to get help. maybe actually watching the movie would have told you that
2023-09-14 06:30:50
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: these men warriors make me laugh. watching barbie etc, then they snow wank with each other.
2023-09-03 12:13:56
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: stop being a cunt and maybe get respect.
2023-07-03 20:34:24
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Jaxe only6 supported this movie, thinking it was all white portrayals. he nerver watched the movie nor intends to. fact.
2023-07-02 13:45:26
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: lol Jaxe now trying to say he supports all animation unless its disney. HE didn't even watch this to the point where a gay kiss is very in your face.
YOU did not watch the movie nor did you care to, but thought "yeah, it isnt disney"av10, I didn' like the film, I didnt really like the animation and style, nor the story
2023-07-02 13:34:21
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2023-06-27 21:03:16
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REASON: Spoiler
COMMENT: THIS IS BAD. I'm no anti-woke, but lol this was so in your face from the get go: in the interrogation of the teens with the cop and DA ,the DA actually tells off the cop during interrogation of one off the teens by saying "c'mon man, don't use them by their dead name", and it's already clear the sister got kicked out by drunken father for being bisexual.
There is trying and there is trying too hard!
everyone knows he's Bruce Wayne's/batman's adopted son - the show just killed itself in the foot. unless everyone's gonna act thick as fuck throughout
anyway the action was terrible, acting was terrible, writing was terrible.
I guess DC isn't profiting from its past DC fails, so is licensing out it's IP to get some money.
2023-03-16 02:21:28
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( 10 points )
Comment recovered:
THIS IS BAD. I'm no anti-woke, but lol this was so in your face from the get go: in the interrogation of the teens with the cop and DA ,the DA actually tells off the cop during interrogation of one off the teens by saying "c'mon man, don't use them by their dead name", and it's already clear the sister got kicked out by drunken father for being bisexual.
There is trying and there is trying too hard!
everyone knows he's Bruce Wayne's/batman's adopted son - the show just killed itself in the foot. unless everyone's gonna act thick as fuck throughout
anyway the action was terrible, acting was terrible, writing was terrible.
I guess DC isn't profiting from its past DC fails, so is licensing out it's IP to get some money.
2023-03-16 02:20:55
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COMMENT: THIS IS BAD. I'm no anti-woke, but lol this was so in your face from the get go: in the interrogation of the teens with the cop and DA ,the DA actually tells off the cop during interrogation of one off the teens by saying "c'mon man, don't use them by their dead name", and it's already clear the sister got kicked out by drunken father for being bisexual.
There is trying and there is trying too hard!
everyone knows he's Bruce Wayne's/batman's adopted son - the show just killed itself in the foot. unless everyone's gonna act thick as fuck throughout
anyway the action was terrible, acting was terrible, writing was terrible.
I guess DC isn't profiting from its past DC fails, so is licensing out it's IP to get some money.
2023-03-15 21:35:55
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: go back to the 'underworld' you crawled from, never dissing kate lol your country keeps making shite films, asians and euros(us brits are very laggy), go watcvh moonman, best comedyscifi iin a decade.....yup..its Chinese's
2023-02-13 18:46:15
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wtf are you on. Its a torrent site ffs
2022-11-27 07:38:10