Here's a fiver for being a metal head like me, brother. There was no need to attack me.I said what I said about Whitney is because it is my truth. I prefer Dionne Warwick to her in that particular genre. Dionne had more soul, and she was more sultry and less disco. That's all. Friends, we are, not enemies!
probably the worst tv show ever made. i dont know if its as bad as the batchelor etc, as i dont watch them, but it must be close. just cant believe it got another season.
absolutely brilliant, nic cage is brilliantly camp and funny. he is on a roll since pig. but its all so slash happy its joyous, cupious amounts of blood, but a joyous tounge in cheeck humour too. best film here so far.
so no reviews, just ppls ideas on looks. well done. i think it looks good, and ill watch it later. and as for the see what the director did prevoisly means i would not have watched spielburg, jackson and many more movies. there are so many reasons ...
really brave way to belittle someone, by using a guest account, so people dont know who you are. who cares what you think about someones look. does anyone get to see you and judge. NO. so no actual review, just a bigoted slice from your eyes.
so this is a movie for 4 to 12 year olds, sad\happy tension\relief, christian must purely be working for $ only because this has no merit. think his last good role was heathers
thank you for putting it up there. but in all honesty sometimes you need'nt bother. you can tell by the cover, the screnn shots , cast, crew etc etc that its awful. time you never get back. actors who failed in an audition to play themselves
i dont read site reviews, there all probably made up. but the title, the picture and the story outline are enough to put me off this movie. anything religious based isnt worth my time, ive grown up, and see the truth. all religion does is take you...
holy s#'t batman no way. do they just pump out these religious lies every week or is this abes specific week. who knows. i have better things to do like peel off my nails and scratch a blackboard.
oh ok its just a boobie movie ? funniest kill right at the start. they used a hedge trimmer and chain saw to go through a mesh part of a tent, and it gets all knotted up. funniest kill in years, then its all just showers and boobies
i think, thanks for this. good quality picture. sounds a bit muted, the film is trying to make a down south, texas chainsaw style feel and failing terribly. awful acting and effects. plots silly but i could cope with that. bady written. i mean christ...
a really quite good movie, i like a hidden gem, when youve barely seen anyone before. i did tecognise the son, but thats it. what a wierd feeling comes over you when your at the family home. you know somethings up. really fun and well acted. i love...
couldnt even afford to get the typical british tough guys, like from football factory etc. the acting is awful. the fight scenes seem to pause before the fight so they can remeber how it go's and there is no real commitment from any of them. a...
thank you for this, i saw a smidge when seeing rob on one of the american chat shows. hope its as funny as it looked then, it was either fallon or kimmel corden he was on.
for some reason the secret of skinwalker ranch s04e08 has not been put anywhere, just youtube. it was a couple of days ago. but i dont want to watch it on you tube
2023-06-15 08:55:18
This member has not uploaded any torrents
Automated point penalty ( -1 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Request/unintelligible COMMENT: i verify that i am praguejay. why unverified ?
2023-07-31 09:43:30
Points returned ( 10 points )
Comment recovered: i can tell your unintelectual, by your inaccurate statements and awful spelling. you need some real (true)education.
2023-02-06 11:41:05
Automated point penalty ( -10 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Spam COMMENT: i can tell your unintelectual, by your inaccurate statements and awful spelling. you need some real (true)education.
2023-02-06 09:14:32
Automated point penalty ( -5 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment: when she gets eaten my zombies blew my mind, and the rampage they went on too.
plus you also get to see things you may not want to see.
i didnt think you were allowed to see a proud man, sometimes guessing is best rather than seeing.
not badly acted, and not all tiny girls, but it just became white noise
2022-01-12 12:27:10
Automated point penalty ( -5 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment: no religion please
2021-12-13 10:21:04
Automated point penalty ( -5 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment: hard pass