just getting thru the 1st episode & so far enjoying this spinoff... guess being half baked helps but when the Mayhem comes on theyre hilarious! & they also have good cameos, cant wait to watch the rest
guess this is what happens when you ban books... hell I'm a guy & I read the whole series when I was a kid lol.. still trying to see this religious perspective..
started watchin it & was waiting for it to pickup... then started watching at 1.2x & tuffed it out till the end. dunno what demographic this was aimed at but as a stoner all I can say is it ruined my buzz & ifanything I am left wondering ...
after reading her stats, ive decided she opens the pickle jar from now on ;P Back Squat 280 lb Clean and Jerk 235 lb Snatch 195 lb Deadlift 340 lb Gender: Female Weight: 140 lbs/64 kg Age: 27 Height: 5ft 6in/168 cm Home Cou...
Follow up:Its a pretty damn good movie!! Gives you the real feels of the times when USSR was breaking up etc.but the soundtrack really tied the movie together obviously with the classic tetris tracks.Overall this movie needs more hype!! Just be glad ...
damn it!!! now got a new earworm just reading this post... damn tetris soundtrack.....:_:-@ wasnt expect this but guess will watch it anyways since its the origin story of one of the cheapest games you can invest in that lasts forever.... also goo...
i laugh at the replies... some people really are personally perturbed when you post lol.. guess you should hand out participation ribbons so they get childhood flashbacks of acceptance etc.. :_:-@
dont get why peeps are perturbed when you make a comment?!? If they dont like it, they can just skip over it etc... this is like peeps telling people to not use certain phraseology cause it scares them or hurts their feelings etc ffs, freedom of spee...
lol.. came here for the Bruce Willis comments... I thought he was done unless I just woke up in the past & i've got other issues to worry about instead?
guy in England threw out his hard drive where he put his wallet & then when BTC hit over 10k he looked for his drive & realized it was thrown out & he asked the city permission to go look for it... https://www.inputmag.com/tech/uk-man-los...
at the rate hollywood is going with all this PC crap I'll skip this one & wait for "Cat/Feline"... or just another crappy remake of "Ghostbusters LGBTQ+" ffs
Wow.. part of so called democracy is that everyone gets to voice their opinion equally. If you're too sensitive, then just move on. Positive or negative, everyone has the right even if you dont like it. When you start to censor for your own com...
Comment recovered: a good movie demonstrating yet again murican culture destroying something to the brink of extinction for profit & in this case no profit so 4700 dead for nothing.. makes me think of the chinese & shark finning, take 5% & waste 95%... humans are the problem of this world
2023-09-24 12:41:43
Automated point penalty ( -1 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Off-topic COMMENT: a good movie demonstrating yet again murican culture destroying something to the brink of extinction for profit & in this case no profit so 4700 dead for nothing.. makes me think of the chinese & shark finning, take 5% & waste 95%... humans are the problem of this world
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