yeeeaaahhhhh... dont think so. this sad stereotype cliche of a 'hacker'.. just another sad movie using trigger words to garner interest... hacker, crypto, 'trust no one' a la x files... & gotta throw in a hoodie money shot......
why bother remaking it in todays world of streaming media? 'murican audience cant understand the accents? lol... probably have to dumb down the comedy :_facepalm
NetGhost Right on.... WTF is up with dem millenials?!? Guess they dont understand his stand against the legalized slavery system called Hollywood.... just another broken 'murican system that rapes the many for the benefit of the few.... hmm.. NC...
Comment recovered: a good movie demonstrating yet again murican culture destroying something to the brink of extinction for profit & in this case no profit so 4700 dead for nothing.. makes me think of the chinese & shark finning, take 5% & waste 95%... humans are the problem of this world
2023-09-24 12:41:43
Automated point penalty ( -1 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Off-topic COMMENT: a good movie demonstrating yet again murican culture destroying something to the brink of extinction for profit & in this case no profit so 4700 dead for nothing.. makes me think of the chinese & shark finning, take 5% & waste 95%... humans are the problem of this world
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