Isn't she too old for this kind of role? She's 33, and this role would have been better suited to someone a decade younger. Wasn't anyone else available?
Nostalgia was regarded as a mental illness for over 350 years, until companies and governments realised in the 20th century that they could use it to manipulate people.
The term 'Babe' used to mean "an innocent, unsuspecting person, especially one likely to be victimized by others" I wonder if that is the meaning in the case of this film...
Women do get equal pay for the same work, and have done for over 50 years. The gender pay gap does not exist. Do some actual research, don't just parrot what you see on your socials.
I don't care if characters are non-White and/or LGBTQ and/or disabled etc., unless that's all they are. I don't care if one of the cops is a Black Lesbian, for example, unless she's just there to bleat "modern audience spe...
Two teens living in abusive homes, bond over a cheesy show in the late 90s, and they give it far more meaning and substance in their heads, than it actually contained. In later life, they both struggle with mental health issues, with one of them also...
Ah, the current usual suspects from modern British "comedy" The thing I hate most about living in the UK is, once someone is considered funny, we have to see them non-stop for 5 years minimum.
You clearly don't know anything about runtime, particularly runtime for horror movies & other genres traditionally resigned to the broad label of B-Movie. B-Movie has come to mean inferior, but originally it meant a film with a shorter ru...
After the war, the official stat for number of Jews murdered was 1 million. The number "6 million" didn't appear until the 60s. The Nazis may have been true evil, but they kept detailed records of everything that they did, and if they ...
You are correct. This is technically a new show, and the BBC are treating it as such. On iPlayer, you have three sections for DW : Classic Who, Dr Who (2005), and Doctor Who (2024)
Comment recovered: Less of a streak, more of a skidmark
2024-01-28 05:16:52
Automated point penalty ( -1 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Off-topic COMMENT: Less of a streak, more of a skidmark
2024-01-27 09:50:07
Automated point penalty ( -1 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Off-topic COMMENT: Given that Jaxe gets obliterated every time he posts, you think he'd be all about a show with this name :D
2023-11-30 18:30:34
Points returned ( 1 points )
Comment recovered: More necromancy at work.
More and more shows that had proper endings, many of which had been off the screens for 2 or more years, are coming back.
2023-09-14 04:45:08
Automated point penalty ( -1 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Off-topic COMMENT: More necromancy at work.
More and more shows that had proper endings, many of which had been off the screens for 2 or more years, are coming back.