User details for DatsRaysis

Username DatsRaysis
User Class User
Joined 2022-02-18 13:39:01
Last Visit 2024-11-30 16:30:43
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    29
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Reputation points -5

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You be sure to thank Joke Biden for that. Most popular candidate ever! Apparently :_shit
2023-07-07 18:28:19
Other people have their opinions & beliefs, they have as much right to share them as you.
2022-12-18 07:29:48
Let the bed-wetting begin! :_boom
2022-09-12 07:11:52
Alot of blue hairs n beta's triggered right now, beautiful. They won't watch, only whinge about it.
2022-09-12 07:01:14
So, if you say anything negative about this movie you're a sexist . :_eyes What a load of rubbish , i lose count of how many times such accusers cry, this is ''toxic masculinity'' as they proceed to attack men in gener...
2022-07-23 09:30:40
Trailer for this Documentary......
2022-07-05 16:11:56
Don't trigger the ''oh so tolerant & empathetic'' self-described ''good guys''. Oh crap :_warn''guys'', Sorry, is that hate? there will be bed-wetting.
2022-07-05 16:01:20
Right chaps, lets give em a good pounding! :_:O not like that!
2022-06-21 07:40:43
lmao , do words you type mean anything? you direct it at the guy with one comment, :_facepalm not the member with ten comments with the same tired baseless claims. :_eyes
2022-06-11 19:57:28
Come onn maaan!, Joke played no role in the ills of the past, he's only been rattling about the halls of power for just 50yrs, he's about to do something notable in a positive way, i'm sure of it.
2022-06-11 19:47:08
:_facepalmHiding from who?
2022-06-09 10:14:35
Need a safe space, you say? was it scawy?
2022-06-09 10:03:54
Well, scanned the screenshots for nipps, :_eyes it's a negative. You're welcome :_:|
2022-06-07 06:44:24
Great! i could only find it in 6gb elsewhere.
2022-05-25 10:32:15
Now log back in, loser :_facepalm
2022-05-12 13:42:17
Uhm, interesting, i presume you must have direct experience, where does your ''knowledge'' come from? how many abortions have you performed?
2022-05-11 08:03:57
Tell me you didn't watch it, without telling me you didn't watch it. :_:)
2022-05-11 07:50:09
What does she know? she only worked there for 8 years & rose to become a clinic director! Emotionally incontinent harpys who don't want such facts known about, know better!
2022-05-11 07:47:51
Contrary to the cover photo, Will Smith aint in it.
2022-05-07 06:52:26
I don't mind if they're fine, blokes can be lesbian too these days :_;) don't ask :_facepalm
2022-04-29 15:53:44
:_:? well that was a waste of a google search.:_warn
2022-04-29 15:21:18
Lmao, at the down vote for Reaper. One of the tolerant empathetic good guy (cry-bully) has spoken:_:-) I shall upvote the spiteful intention away.
2022-04-24 09:26:03
Well it has one ingredient i like, i'll bite.
2022-04-15 19:15:36
((Powerful)) a documentary? This gon b best movie ever!
2022-04-05 16:36:27
2022-03-22 11:20:28
by Guest-1287 on 2022-03-22 08:18:13 avatar The IMDb link is already posted :_facepalm ================================================= @Guest-1287 yeah, the wrong link :_shit :_facepalm
2022-03-22 11:16:34
Thanks, despite the comments, its worth me dloading just to keep my wife quiet for a couple of hours, i only wish it was longer.
2022-02-22 07:46:49

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:_B) Great range of products you have there, i wish you all the luck.
2022-04-24 10:29:19

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2022-02-18 13:39:36

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