[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/10zvymi.gif[/img] [color=crimson][size=6][font=Ravie][b]Happy Birthday billybob42[/b][/font][/size][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/10zvymi.gif[/img][/center]
2020-11-21 13:42:49
Welcome back to where you belong [user=Soup]
2020-11-21 12:48:29
Mad scientist Skunk :-)
2020-11-21 01:41:17
Updated and exploring :D
2020-11-21 00:41:32
[quote=1stGD] [quote=miok] [quote=1stGD] Ooops... I just had to... sign up that is Beeing busy with everything ELSE than just soaking around, Haven´t heard of me? 1stGen_Dude???8o:warn:help [/quote...
2020-11-20 15:37:38
Of course Smitty is in there. R.I.P. smittech
2020-11-20 15:18:31
Sorry Mike, I meant to bring back fond memories but there's always a few sad mixed in with the happy :)
2020-11-20 15:14:08
[quote=1stGD] Ooops... I just had to... sign up that is Beeing busy with everything ELSE than just soaking around, Haven´t heard of me? 1stGen_Dude???8o:warn:help [/quote] I know you :) Welcome ...
2020-11-20 14:54:45
[quote=Deep61] some familiar old friends on there for sure [/quote] A lot of them die-hards that are still around :)
2020-11-20 14:08:56
[center][b][color=red][size=4]A blast from the past that some of the old timers from the original KAT may remember I see a lot of familiar names...[/size][/color][/b] [img]https://i.ibb.co/qkSbw38...
2020-11-20 13:54:27
[quote=sherb] [quote]transparent shield updated in several places, including Chat / Lobby (hopefully works w/ dark theme)[/quote] Not transparent for me, can still see white background in chat/lo...
2020-11-20 12:21:21
[quote=ElementalOne] I did, got nothing... [/quote] I hope someone here can help you.
2020-11-19 21:29:08
[quote=ElementalOne] Hey, Is there a website where I can find Turkish dubbed movies? The quality of the movies on the websites here is really bad... So I need to find Turkish dubbed movie or audio...
2020-11-19 19:43:17
v1.7 working great so far. Thanks Skunk
2020-11-19 01:29:19
[quote=SweetSkunk] [quote=miok] [quote=SweetSkunk] When you send a message & site redirects you to your Sent page, the "sent message" is auto-expanded. [/quote] Except all the sent messages a...
2020-11-18 20:55:01
[quote=SweetSkunk] [quote=SweetSkunk] [quote=miok] Could give the Shield a transparent background and it would look better with dark themes [img width=100]https://picturegalaxy.org/images/2020/11/17/...
2020-11-18 01:47:43
Could give the Shield a transparent background and it would look better with dark themes [img width=100]https://picturegalaxy.org/images/2020/11/17/TO-Shield89f7317d739d4744.png[/img]
2020-11-18 00:25:24
[quote=SweetSkunk] [quote=miok] Browse, Latest? There's no Torrent Officers there. Are we talking about the same thing? The TO "Shield" [/quote] It should be showing like this .. [IMG]https://imgu...
2020-11-18 00:18:14
[quote=SweetSkunk] [quote=miok] Just found another bug. The TO gold shield isn't working for me. I'm still seeing the lollipop :-) [/quote][center]Not seeing it anywhere? :help (should be visible ...
2020-11-17 23:52:17
[quote=SweetSkunk] [quote=miok] Found a bug in v1.6. When the script is running all the messages in my "Sent" box are expanded. With the script off they return to normal (not expanded). The Inbox is...
2020-11-17 23:40:52
Just found another bug. The TO gold shield isn't working for me. I'm still seeing the lollipop :-)
2020-11-17 23:25:51
Found a bug in v1.6. When the script is running all the messages in my "Sent" box are expanded. With the script off they return to normal (not expanded). The Inbox is not affected.
2020-11-17 23:22:35
Version 1.6 installed and working as described. Thanks again Skunk.
2020-11-17 22:54:28
[quote=SweetSkunk] Latest page w/ 400+ results https://torrentgalaxy.to/latest [quote]*Userscript loaded successfully in 0.824 seconds[/quote] Sounds ok to me.. B) [/quote] Sounds good to me. :...
2020-11-17 21:59:16
[img]https://i.imgur.com/GgFQHo1.gif[/img] [user=CptnVirusTGx]
2020-11-16 13:10:40
[quote=Thomaskhan] Hello [user=miok]. i'm loking for this books. i would be so delighted if you can help me. i also need the e-Books too. Thank you. Tittle: Warren Buffett: The Life, Lessons & R...
2020-11-14 20:03:02
[quote=BigJ0554] [size=4]I thought this thread was going to be lovely poems, lol [/size]:facepalm [/quote] You were supposed to stop thinking when you became staff (and this is why). :-)
2020-11-14 14:34:21
2020-11-14 01:53:10
[quote=ba567]yes soon on the weekends [/quote] Good to hear Thanks
2020-11-13 18:20:25
[quote=ba567] I haven't been uploading for a while because I finally got a job after 10 years [/quote] Do you plan on uploading again in the future?
2020-11-13 18:01:08