User details for dwarren61

Username dwarren61:_trusted_user::_male::_junkie:
User Class Trusted User
Joined 2018-07-14 21:14:47
Last Visit 2025-02-21 16:02:37
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    813
Forum Posts 0
Total reviews 7
Reputation points 35

Very cool of you to leave comments.
2025-01-11 05:03:58
Cool Avatar picture! Here's a 5'er to say hi also!
2024-07-13 18:51:28
THNX 4 Taking The Time 2 Rate My Torrent 👍... Kewl Avvy.
2024-04-14 15:46:17
Thanks for the 5 Stars at my Torrent.
2023-04-16 17:59:10
Thanks :)
2022-06-10 14:34:28
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on your downloads.
2021-12-25 07:47:34
Thanks for all your comments & also appreciating uploaders work. 👍
2020-02-08 17:41:29
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By the way, Thanks for keeping shows and movies on here. Great Job, if I could clap or high five you guys.... :_alien:_alien Myself, I love this. there is always something to grab and watch.... :_alien:_alien but i can still download and rel...
2023-03-12 14:19:51
Anybody that uploads 40,000 files.... :_alien:_alien Awesome work.... :_alien:_alien Thank you FOR ALL YOU HARD WORK.... :_alien:_alien
2023-03-11 00:54:43
Very Interesting!!!! :_alien:_alien Thanks for your work.... :_alien:_alien
2023-03-11 00:42:24
Thank you for your work, and time to do this stuff.... :_alien:_alien
2023-03-09 04:41:10
Thank you for all your work.... :_alien:_alien For all you people do.... :_alien:_alien
2023-03-09 04:38:14
Thank you for what you people do and sharing it with us..... :_alien:_alien
2023-03-09 00:36:36
Thank you very kindly for the share. Everything is perfect and I appreciate all your effort.... :_alien:_alien
2023-03-06 00:26:01
Thank you for what you people do and sharing it with us..... :_alien:_alien
2023-03-04 19:49:56
Ya!!! It's fake all i know is my body would hurt.... :_alien:_alien Thanks for the upload.... :_alien:_alien
2023-02-19 06:56:18
Thank you for sharing your work....:_alien:_alien
2023-02-18 18:16:09
Seems likea good series. Nothing like Teen Wolf.... :_alien:_alien Thank you for what you do and share it with us.... :_alien:_alien
2023-02-09 16:18:02
I think this lady puts her life on the line with evey show.... :_alien:_alien Not me, Holy crap. BRAVE lady, Not my idea of FUN.... :_alien:_alien Thanks for what you people do, and share it with us.... :_alien:_alien
2023-02-09 16:14:59
I got one of them.... :_alien:_alien Thanks for the upload.... :_alien:_alien And forthe work you people do.... :_alien:_alien
2023-02-07 00:37:11
Man, Nothing better than watching two people beat the hell out of each other.... :_alien:_alien Thanks for the up [TGx].... :_alien:_alien
2023-02-05 02:28:10
I have a Grandson failing Math Classes.... :_alien:_alien Should be good for him.... :_alien:_alien Thank you for what you people do.... :_alien:_alien
2023-01-28 15:26:16
You have alot of NEW movies on here today.... :_alien:_alien Thanks a whole bunch for this "GalaxyRG".... :_alien:_alien
2023-01-27 15:00:52
Another great movie from you guys at GalaxyRG.... :_alien:_alien Thank you for your work.... :_alien:_alien
2023-01-27 14:45:22
As usuall GalaxyRG Team excellent work.... :_alien:_alien Thanks for the upload.... :_alien:_alien
2023-01-27 03:51:14
The cover picture reminds me of the movie SMILE.... :_alien:_alien it was a strange movie at that.... :_alien:_alien Anyways : thanks for the upload.... :_alien:_alien
2023-01-24 15:35:09
Alot of these Horror movies like this can be boring.... :_alien:_alien Thanks for the up.... :_alien:_alien
2023-01-23 03:18:32
Got to love these horror movies.... :_alien:_alien awesome thanks....:_alien:_alien
2023-01-22 05:05:49
Horror movies, got to love them.... :_alien:_alien Thsnks for the upload.... :_alien:_alien
2023-01-22 05:02:49
Thank you for the work you do putting these files on here. I love this show TKS....:_alien:_alien You people put in alot of work into some of these files. you always get a 5 from me.... :_alien:_alien Thank You for sharing you work.... :_alie...
2023-01-21 20:00:56
When you click on the pictures the site say "page not found".... :_alien:_alien Not being picky.... :_alien:_alien Thanks for the work you people do.... :_alien:_alien Myself I would have no Idea how you do these files. tks again.....
2023-01-15 19:29:38
Bruce Willis is getting old.... :_alien:_alien he has done alot of different moves, and tv shows.... :_alien:_alien Anyways.... Thanks for the work you guys or gals do and share it with us.... :_alien:_alien
2023-01-15 19:24:47
myself i waited for a month or so for this ep.... :_alien:_alien Nothing at all.... :_alien:_alien but youtube has it. great ep. did a search on s06e15.... :_alien:_alien
2023-01-15 00:48:54
seen this movie years ago.... :_alien:_alien Friggin halarious movie,,,, :_alien:_alien Jim Carrey is Friggin NUTS.... :_alien:_alien Thank you for what you people do, And share it with us.... :_alien:_alien
2023-01-12 05:41:19
Give it a go, not sure what it woukd be a good movie or not.... :_alien:_alien Tks a bunch GalaxyRG.... :_alien:_alien
2023-01-10 14:21:10
Thank you for what you people do and sharing it with us..... :_alien:_alien Hey Thanks for the upload.... :_alien:_alien
2023-01-10 14:10:08
Turned to be a better show than I thought.... :_alien:_alien Thanks for what you people do and share it withus.... :_alien:_alien
2023-01-01 06:25:03

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:_junkie: Site Junkie
You sure are. 😁
2023-10-05 02:10:00
Status added:
:_trusted_user: Trusted User
(Promoted from User)
Another comment machine. Thank you
2021-12-25 07:46:28
New user
Account created successfully!
2018-07-14 21:15:26

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