User details for dwarren61

Username dwarren61:_trusted_user::_male::_junkie:
User Class Trusted User
Joined 2018-07-14 21:14:47
Last Visit 2025-02-21 16:02:37
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    813
Forum Posts 0
Total reviews 7
Reputation points 35

Very cool of you to leave comments.
2025-01-11 05:03:58
Cool Avatar picture! Here's a 5'er to say hi also!
2024-07-13 18:51:28
THNX 4 Taking The Time 2 Rate My Torrent 👍... Kewl Avvy.
2024-04-14 15:46:17
Thanks for the 5 Stars at my Torrent.
2023-04-16 17:59:10
Thanks :)
2022-06-10 14:34:28
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on your downloads.
2021-12-25 07:47:34
Thanks for all your comments & also appreciating uploaders work. 👍
2020-02-08 17:41:29
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Thank You for sharing you work.......:P
2020-02-05 07:47:41
You people put in alot of work into some of these files. you always get a 5 from me.......:P Thank You for sharing you work.......:P
2020-02-05 01:56:31
You people put in alot of work into some of these files. you always get a 5 from me.......:P Thank You for sharing you work.......:P
2020-02-05 01:53:20
you people put in alot of work into some of these Files. you always get a 5 from me.......:P Thank You for sharing you work.......:P
2020-02-05 01:38:35
Thank You for sharing you work.......:P
2020-02-05 01:37:05
Thank you for the work you do putting these files on here. I love this show TKS.......:P
2020-02-05 01:34:04
Thank You for sharing you work.......:P
2020-02-04 06:05:34
Thank You for sharing you work :P:P:P
2020-02-04 02:21:08
Hey Thanks for the upload........:P
2020-02-02 03:28:24
Thank You for sharing you work.......:P Very large file. i will seed till i bleed. the only thing i can not figure out is now (while I am seeding) to make it so people that are trying to upload something and only get 4 or 5 kbs a second and oth...
2020-02-02 03:19:28
Thank you for what you do and sharing it with us..........:P
2020-02-01 04:05:51
Thank You for sharing you work.......:P
2020-02-01 01:55:23
Thank you for what you do and sharing it with us..........:P
2020-01-31 04:10:34
Thank you for what you do and sharing it with us..........:P Man i love this show... funny as hell........:P
2020-01-31 03:57:32
Thank you for what you do and shaing it with us..........:P
2020-01-31 00:55:55
Thank you for what you do and shaing it with us..........:P
2020-01-31 00:42:52
Thank you for what you do and shaing it with us..........:P
2020-01-30 05:25:58
Thank You for sharing you work.......:P
2020-01-30 02:36:22
Thank You for sharing you work.....:P
2020-01-30 02:34:06
Thank You for sharing you work :P
2020-01-30 02:30:50
Thank You for sharing you work.......:P
2020-01-29 08:14:29
Thank You for sharing you work.......:P
2020-01-29 08:10:55
hereès the story line.... Thanks for the share.....:P Story line Sometimes, some truths are better left untold. For when you dig in too deep, there are always chances of some facts coming out which could make your life difficult. Based on a tru...
2020-01-29 04:14:22
Thanks for the upload.....:P
2020-01-29 04:05:50
Thank you for what you do and thanks for sharing.....:P
2020-01-28 05:34:29
You should of see movies 55 - 60 years about corny acting. anyways Thanks for the upload......:P
2020-01-28 04:17:29
Thank you for the upload. myself for a better picture 350 mb for a 42 minute video, around 1300mbs for a video around 1:30 minutes... again thanks for what you do......:P
2020-01-28 04:11:44
Thanks for the upload. great work.....:P
2020-01-27 04:47:45
Thanks For sharing......:P
2020-01-27 04:42:03
Thanks for the share.......:P
2020-01-27 04:37:38

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Status added:
:_junkie: Site Junkie
You sure are. 😁
2023-10-05 02:10:00
Status added:
:_trusted_user: Trusted User
(Promoted from User)
Another comment machine. Thank you
2021-12-25 07:46:28
New user
Account created successfully!
2018-07-14 21:15:26

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