User details for buggerlugz

Username buggerlugz
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Joined 2018-06-25 19:23:11
Last Visit 2025-02-13 08:07:56
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    9
Forum Posts 3
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Well season 1 of Altered Carbon was, i thought season 2 was meh. I enjoy the lee pace scenes in foundation, but can't stand the nonsense with the two "strong women of colour" actresses who have obviously been cast specifically to tick ...
2023-09-09 15:49:11
Honestly, Ahsoka isn't a likeable or even of the same character she was in cannon. I can't say Rossario Dawson brings anything to the role at all. All this "strong women" is just sliding on in there with the woke Disney agenda no...
2023-09-09 10:03:46
Its not Asimov, but its compelling viewing still. If only for Lee Pace, who makes it worthwhile. He's got great talent and scope as an actor, I mean who'd have known he was the elf king Thranduil in the Hobbit movies!
2023-09-09 08:11:54
You can get the final episode from youtube, someone took the comic book of the last episode and animated it using modern tech, redid the soundtrack and then edited a recording from a radio show where the cast read the comic. Its a flawless and brill...
2023-08-20 08:27:51
Missed opportunity. If it was about someone hacking bikini's I'm pretty sure it'd be a better movie.
2023-03-02 08:20:02
Why? She already showed what an excellent actor she was in game of thrones as Lyana Mormont. I think shes ideal for the role!
2023-01-16 08:11:51
Safe to say "The Witcher - Blood Origin" does for "The Witcher" what "The rings of power" does for "The lord of the rings".........and who'd have thought, Lenny Henry is in both....
2022-12-26 11:48:19
Thought it was a commentary on the inner workings of the White House, then saw the title.
2020-03-07 19:22:34
Gr8! just Gr8! The gambling advert text everywhere are superb on a kids film....really. Full marks again getb8!
2019-11-22 19:10:31

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The problem seems to have gone away today. Still running the same firefox/ublock as I was yesterday.
2021-11-19 15:29:34
Yeah, I'm getting the weird circle thing spinning, for everything, even on the forum for avatar pictures now. (firefox 94.0.1, uBlock Origin 1.38.6)
2021-11-18 19:05:43
I'm going with #2, #8 and #9 Merry Christmas everyone! [color=red][size=1]Admin edit: Vote Counted[/size][/color]
2020-12-23 09:12:37

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2018-06-25 19:23:37

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