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Who would have thought the people who survived the holocaust would allow another massacre of jews by palestinians?
Hamas murdered 1,200 Jewish civilians in their homes.
2024-05-03 15:38:33
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Who would have thought the people who survived the holocaust would allow another massacre of jews by palestinians?
Hamas murdered 1,200 Jewish civilians in their homes.
2024-05-03 14:53:26
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COMMENT: At this point, models should just know: Do not go to that secluded cabin!
Even in a group!
Even with advanced weaponry!
2024-04-15 13:03:48
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COMMENT: So weird how poor, desperate people cling to Trump like a literal savior. What did he do for you? Gave you some hatred, sure. But otherwise all he did was: give massive tax cuts to ppl earning eight-, nine-figures. That's it. Oh, and he was "entertainment": YEAH, he got those dum libz good!1!! Did that really help you?
2024-04-13 11:08:32
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@GuitarTroy A ton of Alex Jones' "conspiracies" have ended up being "correct"? What possibly could you be referring to? Sandy Hook being "faked"? (And, once you propagate that falsehood-- havent you lost the right to ever be listened to by adults again?)
2024-04-03 05:08:48
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: @GuitarTroy A ton of Alex Jones' "conspiracies" have ended up being "correct"? What possibly could you be referring to? Sandy Hook being "faked"? (And, once you propagate that falsehood-- havent you lost the right to ever be listened to by adults again?)
2024-04-02 14:07:13
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( 1 points )
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"Who really wins?" Really? For a start, all the additional people who wouldve been murdered if the Nazis had won.
He started with the Jews, Gypsies, political/religious dissidents, homosexuals, mentally atypical.
He had a lot more in the planning: all of Slavic Russia was going to be enslaved/liquidated.
2024-03-08 05:13:33
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: "Who really wins?" Really? For a start, all the additional people who wouldve been murdered if the Nazis had won.
He started with the Jews, Gypsies, political/religious dissidents, homosexuals, mentally atypical.
He had a lot more in the planning: all of Slavic Russia was going to be enslaved/liquidated.
2024-03-07 16:30:33
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Extended Cut?! "Now, with more mediocrity!"
2023-12-23 17:15:00
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