[img]https://i.gifer.com/origin/f2/f2aaa81046c1437e24d6f4b9a73eea76.gif[/img] [size=4][color=#F778A1]Time to come inside my King:_love and hit the shower[/color][/size] :_:-*
2022-10-23 20:21:26
[quote=Superbikemike] f1's on now oh i see what ya mean [img]https://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/6dcf4909-d1e1-4d91-8df2-4b43710cdca2/c7b6b1ad-75f6-4533-a1cf-02f364ba925a.jpg[/img] [/quote] [size=4]...
2022-10-23 20:05:55
[quote=Superbikemike] crazy nah [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gpCUMdfRa9w/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] [/quote] [size=4][color=#F778A1]Only on some Sunday evenings...before F1 starts :_:-@:_:-@[/color][/s...
2022-10-23 19:42:46
[quote=bigboy12] [color=green][size=3]I know of a place for weirdos like you .Plain language the loony bin. I think the Queen should give you your meds.:_:P [img width=100]https://www.animatedimage...
2022-10-23 19:21:25
[quote=Garthock] [quote=bigboy12] [quote=QueenB] [quote=bigboy12] [color=green][size=3]I know of a place for weirdos like you .Plain language the loony bin. I think the Queen should give you your me...
2022-10-23 19:17:01
[quote=Garthock] [size=4][color=blue]Wow I thought I was the only one who does that.[/color][/size] [/quote] [size=4][color=#F778A1]there are much more lunatics here than you think....most of them a...
2022-10-23 19:15:08
[quote=bigboy12] [color=green][size=3]I know of a place for weirdos like you .Plain language the loony bin. I think the Queen should give you your meds.:_:P [img width=100]https://www.animatedimage...
2022-10-23 19:09:16
[quote=Garthock] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/TH1SMBm/welcome01.gif[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/8NbX4g3/tgxlogo-Copy.png[/img][/center] [center][size=3][color=green][b][user=madseb][/b][/color][/si...
2022-10-23 19:05:05
2022-10-23 19:00:56
[color=#F778A1][size=4]And when you're done sliding through your kitchen :_:-@:_:
[email protected] run like hell to your mancave :_:O...hiding for the maid who has to clean all that buttery mess.....AG...
2022-10-23 18:52:10
2022-10-23 14:41:46
[img]https://thecutestblogontheblock.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/welcome-to-the-nut-house.jpg[/img] [size=6][color=#F778A1][b]Hellooooooo there new Tenants aka patients of TG.[/b][/size][/color]...
2022-10-23 14:33:09
[img]https://sd.keepcalms.com/i-w600/thanks-for-the-sweet-happy-birthday-wishes-my-fabulous-friends.jpg[/img] :_love:_love:_love
2022-10-16 22:57:13
2022-10-16 00:43:31
[quote=Garthock] [quote=QueenB] [quote=bigboy12] [quote=QueenB] [quote=Crapmuncher] Hi, my name is Crapmuncher McEhnus. I was given my name by my grandfather Shitmuncher McEhnus. I enjoy the simple ...
2022-10-16 00:25:46
[quote=Mafketel] Van harte gefeliciteerd Uwe Royal Badness... :_:-* [/quote] Dankjewel myKing:_love Over 4uurtjes....aftellen...kijken of ik nog zolang wakker kan blijvenkop mijn ouwe dag :_:-@:_:-...
2022-10-15 19:09:22
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=QueenB] [quote=Crapmuncher] Hi, my name is Crapmuncher McEhnus. I was given my name by my grandfather Shitmuncher McEhnus. I enjoy the simple things in life such as eating an...
2022-10-15 19:01:41
[quote=Mafketel] [quote=QueenB] [size=6][color=#F778A1][b]Waar is iedereen gebleven?[/b][/color][/size] :_eyes [/quote] Das een goede vraag. [/quote] Allemaal kwijt denk ik....verdwaald :_facepal...
2022-10-15 13:24:45
[quote=Crapmuncher] Hi, my name is Crapmuncher McEhnus. I was given my name by my grandfather Shitmuncher McEhnus. I enjoy the simple things in life such as eating an Oh Henry bar, taco Tuesdays an...
2022-10-15 13:22:41
2022-10-14 20:50:13
[size=6][color=#F778A1][b]Waar is iedereen gebleven?[/b][/color][/size] :_eyes
2022-10-14 20:38:39
2022-10-14 20:21:11
[quote=Garthock] [quote=QueenB] [quote=Garthock] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/TH1SMBm/welcome01.gif[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/8NbX4g3/tgxlogo-Copy.png[/img][/center] [center][size=3][color=green]...
2022-10-13 22:58:30
[size=4][color=#F778A1]Finaly [user=Rav3n007]....I was almost running out of birdseed....what took you so long to come in. :_help If you promise not to poo all over the place I will remove some bars ...
2022-10-13 22:52:45
[quote=Mafketel] [quote=QueenB] [img]https://thecutestblogontheblock.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/welcome-to-the-nut-house.jpg[/img] [size=6][color=#F778A1]Hello there, new tenants of TG We all ...
2022-10-13 22:36:23
[img]https://thecutestblogontheblock.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/welcome-to-the-nut-house.jpg[/img] [size=6][color=#F778A1]Hello there, new tenants of TG We all welcome you to your new home.......
2022-10-13 21:54:35
[quote=Garthock] [quote=QueenB] [quote=Garthock] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/TH1SMBm/welcome01.gif[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/8NbX4g3/tgxlogo-Copy.png[/img][/center] [center][size=3][color=green]...
2022-10-13 16:26:18
Animal Kingdom S5:_:-@
2022-10-13 16:18:59
2022-10-13 15:04:54
[quote=Garthock] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/TH1SMBm/welcome01.gif[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/8NbX4g3/tgxlogo-Copy.png[/img][/center] [center][size=3][color=green][b][user=cakalovp][/b][/color][/...
2022-10-13 14:53:23