[quote=bigboy12] [color=green]1-Thankful for having been with the love of my life for over 50yrs . 2 -Thankful for being blessed with having 2 fantastic sons & daughter in laws plus 2 incredible ...
2022-11-24 16:46:33
[size=4][color=#F778A1]I am thankful for the existence of the pain clinic and oxycodone :_:-@:_facepalm I am thankful that I can still pay my energybill till next summer I am thankful for my ex ...
2022-11-24 16:30:33
2022-11-24 16:17:14
2022-11-24 16:09:28
[img]https://i.imgflip.com/2n8iic.jpg[/img] :_:-@:_:-@:_:-@
2022-11-24 16:05:50
[img]https://media.tenor.com/sRtjxWCJmXkAAAAM/nope-ugh.gif[/img] :_facepalm:_facepalm:_:-@:_:-@
2022-11-24 16:00:24
2022-11-24 10:15:21
[img]https://media.tenor.com/-r3ijerrzS4AAAAC/time-to-move-on-advice.gif[/img] :_:-@
2022-11-24 10:08:37
[quote=Mafketel] [quote=jaxe] Someone is doing this to the TGX site cause aside from the constant Galaxy Fence, I am also getting the Site Going To Sleep [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS...
2022-11-24 00:21:15
[img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_maprxmlfZR1qhie48o3_500.gif[/img] :_facepalm
2022-11-24 00:01:17
2022-11-22 21:20:46
[quote=honey01] Petition for this site to be renamed as 'Grandpa Galaxy' :_:-@ [/quote] [size=4][color=#F778A1]Better make that " The elderly's galaxy "[/color][/size] :_:-@...
2022-11-22 19:46:47
[quote=Mafketel] [quote=ADHDerby] Hoi Pieps! Ik kom ook even langspiepen. Er is veel veranderd hier… goed om te zien dat er weer wat meer berichtjes binnendruppelen. Hier nog 1tje. Sorry dat ik...
2022-11-22 19:17:23
[img]https://media.tenor.com/gzXipYrRXzEAAAAM/probably-for-the-best-michael-campion.gif[/img] :_facepalm:_:-@:_:-@
2022-11-22 19:07:25
[size=4][color=#F778A1][user=bigboy12] will you please put the axe behind lock and key :_facepalm :_facepalm.......and empty the catheter....you are scaring new tenants away..... 😤 😤 😤 I nee...
2022-11-22 18:59:52
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=QueenB] [quote=bigboy12] [quote=B4ND1T69] I have no idea who anyone is anymore:_facepalm:_pacman:_eyes I don't even recognize the guy smokin my weed in my bathroom mirr...
2022-11-16 22:48:38
[quote=bigboy12] [quote=B4ND1T69] I have no idea who anyone is anymore:_facepalm:_pacman:_eyes I don't even recognize the guy smokin my weed in my bathroom mirror:_:O:_:-* Could the real sl...
2022-11-16 22:37:50
Gaaaaaaaaaf. Ja de drukke tijden komen er weer aan he. Hier morgen een uur fysio.....zal wel heel wat blauwe plekjes rijker worden denk ik :_:-@ Verder langzaamaan alvast wat spullen bij elkaar z...
2022-11-16 22:14:13
[img]https://www.rover.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/funny-cat.jpg[/img] 😉
2022-11-16 19:42:58
2022-11-16 18:01:00
2022-11-16 12:28:04
2022-11-16 12:26:34
[size=4][color=#F778A1]Yves Ypenburg Yellow bellied sapsucker Yach [b]T[/b][/color][/size]
2022-11-15 22:09:56
2022-11-15 22:01:09
[quote=xJOHNNYx] Pick a 'room'?!?I own the building!! Now move along or you're demoted to a more fitting position.........say, Queen Gardener? :_:O 😅😂🤣😛 [img]https://card...
2022-11-15 21:22:41
[quote=xJOHNNYx] [quote=xJOHNNYx] Hi friends :_:) [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/DZ0DKYBF/Shameful-Webbed-Freshwatereel-max-1mb.gif[/img][/center] Y'all know me as [user=JFH1620] & I...
2022-11-15 12:31:41
[size=4][color=purple]Roy Rotterdam Raindeer Rop[b]E[/b][/color][/size]
2022-11-14 18:09:46
2022-11-14 13:28:12
[size=4][color=purple]Nico New York Nightingale Nosepearcin[b]G[/b][/color][/size]
2022-11-14 13:26:30
[img]https://yesbirthday.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Happy-Birthday-Gif-Funny-Happy-Birthday-GIFs-%E2%80%94-Download.gif[/img] [size=6][color=#F778A1]Happy Birthday [user=PsychoLilThing] ...
2022-11-13 23:05:38