User details for OK69

Username OK69
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Joined 2023-06-01 05:38:22
Last Visit 2025-02-22 06:47:24
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    43
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Reputation points -39

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Plot twist: her "mother" is the guy on the right side of the poster.
2024-01-06 10:29:05
We're allowed to dislike and be annoyed by film details. If every second movie was centered around talking proboscis monkeys because Hollywood decided that we all need to accept their life views on talking monkeys, I'm sure many of us would...
2024-01-06 01:00:31
Good grief! Another gay movie? I'm starting to feel I might need to be a closeted heterosexual the way things are going (at least in the movie and television industry).
2024-01-05 10:09:12
I'm grateful for this release, as always. Just wondering if anyone knows whether there will be a 2160p release soon or if I should just go for the 1080p. I usually like to hold off on films like this for the higher resolution since there are alw...
2023-12-23 00:19:00
The problem with movies today is that we have very stupid people making them, and stupid people are incapable of writing intelligent movies. We are watching the manifestation of the film "Idiocracy" unfold before our eyes.
2023-11-05 22:08:05
Another nail-biter? I'm not sure my heart can handle all these blockbusters
2023-11-05 22:05:00
So, a low-budget "John Wick"?
2023-10-02 02:32:54
I preferred the movie, "Natty's Knockers". Much more engaging.
2023-09-17 16:37:04
Is this a film created to capitalize on moronic anti-maskers? Should be amusing, even if for the wrong reasons.
2023-09-17 14:40:54
I have an HDR display, but it's a headache to display HDR rips on my PC for some reason. I blame Winblows. Honestly, I don't really see what the fuss is all about with HDR. It's not THAT big of a difference, if you ask me.
2023-07-17 18:02:01
Didn't watch, but that's a very punchable face.
2023-06-21 13:22:27
Automatic 5 stars since the lead is a black female. I need every opportunity to virtue signal and this is perfect. Won't even bother watching but thanks
2023-06-21 13:17:49
"BorA"? ... more like "BorING"! Note: I admit I did not watch this movie.
2023-06-04 04:19:19

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I was pretty bummed about Demonoid as well. I had about 2Tb upload there, which at the time wasn't too shabby.
2023-06-01 06:59:08
This is a serious setback. This site is great, but I just shelled out for a 4K screen and an Atmos 7.1 receiver (a question of buying the hardware, or spending the money on content instead without a p...
2023-06-01 05:55:14

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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: We've hit a new low.
Someone making their first film about making their first film. This reminds me of when I was a small child and discovered a tape recorder in my parent's basement. Maybe I should make a documentary? Of course, I will have to bend the truth a little and make both of my parents men, just to keep today's audiences captivated.
2024-09-06 07:08:26
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: By that (lack of) logic, all these racist commenters that dislike black actors/actresses must be black themselves. Seems quite unlikely.
2024-09-04 21:58:45
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: FurrowedBrow likes to touch himself while watching gay porn every day to reassure himself that he's secure in his "heterosexuality". He does it in a non-sexual way, and only to support the LGBTQ+ community.
2024-09-04 21:58:13
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( -5 points )
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REASON: Extremely vulgar
COMMENT: FurrowedBrow likes to jerk off to gay porn every day to reassure himself that he's secure in his "heterosexuality". He does it in a non-sexual way, and only to support the LGBTQ+ community.
2024-09-01 02:32:05
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: So this is a documentary on Tinder then?
2024-08-27 07:15:05
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COMMENT: Plot twist: Liberal Lesbo is a man that identifies as a woman that identifies as a man that identifies as a woman.
2024-08-09 20:45:12
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: If there isn't at least one gun on the cover, it's a HARD PASS for me! :_:P
2024-07-13 19:30:54
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Thanks for cutting off my comment halfway to make me look like an idiot. There was a point to every word there. Censorship at its finest.
2024-07-13 06:06:44
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: WAT????? No FAGGOTS? Unacceptable.
2024-02-21 05:23:09
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COMMENT: The only movies as annoying as those focused on homosexuals are the ones about heterosexual couples. Does anyone actually watch this crap, aside from sad women with a B.M.I. of > 30, while they cradle a 2L tub of ice-cream on their paunch and pussy-whipped losers that are trying to score points with their doms?
2024-02-09 10:17:20
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Well, what happened to the good ol' days when we could just put a bunch of homos in a movie and rake in the cash? (said in Irish accent) I tell ya, the working man shpiel will only getcha so far :_facepalm whoops! What I meant to say, laddie, is that we need to focus on the important things like football
2024-01-12 10:47:04
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Yes, and you're living proof, "unvaxxed". Let's all go get Measles and Small Pox to stick it to the man! WHO'S WITH ME???
2023-11-06 21:23:15
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( -4 points )
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REASON: Name calling.
COMMENT: F^&#in' pussy's scared of a little needle. LMAO
2023-09-19 12:15:29
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: The first rule of Cunt Hlub is: you do not talk about Cunt Hlub!
2023-07-04 22:17:56
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2023-06-01 05:38:47

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