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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: We've hit a new low.
Someone making their first film about making their first film. This reminds me of when I was a small child and discovered a tape recorder in my parent's basement. Maybe I should make a documentary? Of course, I will have to bend the truth a little and make both of my parents men, just to keep today's audiences captivated.
2024-09-06 07:08:26
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( -1 points )
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: By that (lack of) logic, all these racist commenters that dislike black actors/actresses must be black themselves. Seems quite unlikely.
2024-09-04 21:58:45
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: FurrowedBrow likes to touch himself while watching gay porn every day to reassure himself that he's secure in his "heterosexuality". He does it in a non-sexual way, and only to support the LGBTQ+ community.
2024-09-04 21:58:13
Automated point penalty
( -5 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Extremely vulgar
COMMENT: FurrowedBrow likes to jerk off to gay porn every day to reassure himself that he's secure in his "heterosexuality". He does it in a non-sexual way, and only to support the LGBTQ+ community.
2024-09-01 02:32:05
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: So this is a documentary on Tinder then?
2024-08-27 07:15:05
Automated point penalty
( -10 points )
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COMMENT: Plot twist: Liberal Lesbo is a man that identifies as a woman that identifies as a man that identifies as a woman.
2024-08-09 20:45:12
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( -1 points )
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: If there isn't at least one gun on the cover, it's a HARD PASS for me! :_:P
2024-07-13 19:30:54
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Thanks for cutting off my comment halfway to make me look like an idiot. There was a point to every word there. Censorship at its finest.
2024-07-13 06:06:44
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( -1 points )
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: WAT????? No FAGGOTS? Unacceptable.
2024-02-21 05:23:09
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( -10 points )
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COMMENT: The only movies as annoying as those focused on homosexuals are the ones about heterosexual couples. Does anyone actually watch this crap, aside from sad women with a B.M.I. of > 30, while they cradle a 2L tub of ice-cream on their paunch and pussy-whipped losers that are trying to score points with their doms?
2024-02-09 10:17:20
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( -1 points )
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Well, what happened to the good ol' days when we could just put a bunch of homos in a movie and rake in the cash? (said in Irish accent) I tell ya, the working man shpiel will only getcha so far :_facepalm whoops! What I meant to say, laddie, is that we need to focus on the important things like football
2024-01-12 10:47:04
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
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REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Yes, and you're living proof, "unvaxxed". Let's all go get Measles and Small Pox to stick it to the man! WHO'S WITH ME???
2023-11-06 21:23:15
Automated point penalty
( -4 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Name calling.
COMMENT: F^&#in' pussy's scared of a little needle. LMAO
2023-09-19 12:15:29
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: The first rule of Cunt Hlub is: you do not talk about Cunt Hlub!
2023-07-04 22:17:56
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