2021-12-17 08:21:46
[size=5][b]Helloooooo [/b][/size][user=videoboy] [img]https://sayingimages.com/wp-content/uploads/welcome-to-the-funny-farm-meme.jpg[/img]
2021-12-16 23:43:40
2021-12-16 20:17:05
2021-12-16 20:15:18
I really like all your prems today MD - thanks so much...lets just hope that at least 1 of them live up to expectations. Thanks for this my sweets!:_love
2021-12-16 19:29:18
2021-12-16 08:03:10
2021-12-16 07:42:10
2021-12-15 22:40:47
Muchas Gracious to Mah Laydee [user=aviana] for my luvlee nuuu Santa Baby!:_love:_love
2021-12-15 22:12:06
[quote=GHOSTFACE] [quote=NatD] :_love:_love:_love Don't let him hear you say the "M" word! [/quote] :_:-)beern called worse some days Nat:_:-) [/quote] Yup - Max thinks his name is &...
2021-12-15 22:02:09
:_love:_love:_love Don't let him hear you say the "M" word!
2021-12-15 21:59:07
2021-12-15 21:55:43
https://torrentgalaxy.to/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=2247 I know most of the peeps are cat people...its all good [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E3SVC9GWUAgrU26.jpg[/img]
2021-12-15 21:53:48
[img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b1/fc/fa/b1fcfa640d659d3cb83e70877fd312a8.gif[/img] That to me is pure bliss!:_love
2021-12-15 21:46:50
[quote=Superbikemike] [img]https://post.bark.co/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/pug-fail.gif[/img] [/quote] Ohhhh my doG! thats so cute!:_:-):_:-):_:-):_:-):_:-)
2021-12-15 21:32:03
2021-12-15 21:25:12
Okayyyy - so my furbaby's name is Maximillian - or Max. He says its Sir Maximillian - its still up for debate. He was rescued at 2 weeks old - 2 days before being euthanized because of a rare ski...
2021-12-15 21:20:12
Awwww you guys!! :_:-(:_:-(:_:-(
2021-12-15 21:11:11
[quote=NatD] [quote=NatD] I was gonna say that! I'm from South Africa - and we see great pics all the time, but this is oh so beautiful!:_love:_love **ps. I'm a DOG person and only love 1...
2021-12-15 20:34:11
[quote=NatD] I was gonna say that! I'm from South Africa - and we see great pics all the time, but this is oh so beautiful!:_love:_love **ps. I'm a DOG person and only love 1 cat called B...
2021-12-15 20:32:06
I was gonna say that! I'm from South Africa - and we see great pics all the time, but this is oh so beautiful!:_love:_love **ps. I'm a DOG person and only love 1 cat called Bella** #juss...
2021-12-15 20:26:13
[img]https://img.picturegalaxy.su/data/cover/z/H/zHMpTJuqNh.jpg[/img] [b][size=5]I don't like to give credence to mass murderers and I'm not, but for someone to evade authorities for this l...
2021-12-15 17:07:02
2021-12-15 05:59:16
[quote=bigboy12] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/phdUHK0.gif[/img] [/center] [/quote] [size=5][b]TAKE IT OFF! TAKE IT OFF!:_ass:_ass:_ass[/b][/size]
2021-12-14 11:48:06
2021-12-14 07:26:11
[img]https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/03/06/78/05/360_F_306780529_qZPUBsMwq5KX8EJ5HFzuRutiEmuagNNN.jpg[/img] [b][color=purple][size=5]Georgian Khachapuri[/size][/color][/b] [size=4][color=purple][b]I lived ...
2021-12-13 15:01:12
[quote=Beowulf] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fcontent%2Fdam%2Fonlyinbritain%2Fbritish-food-full-english-breakfast-xxlarge.jpg[/img] [/quote] [...
2021-12-13 14:53:01
2021-12-13 14:18:27
2021-12-13 11:18:57
OMG - I am laughing soooo much! You guys are tooo effin funny! Defo a Nuthouse!:_love:_love:_love:_:-@:_:-@:_:-@
2021-12-13 11:16:04