I freely admit I jumped on the "retirement" bandwagon with Bruces' recent, and extensive, movie list. But after reading about Aphasia, its symptoms, effects and so on. I've started to look from outside the box I unfortunately had ...
There's a thousand bad things about this movie. But let's face it. We're pirates... and will pretty much watch anything because it's free. So' I'll say one good & one bad. The good... the Trans-am in the beginning ...
Agreed... I usually download these when I have insomnia nights for giggle worthy points. The narrators, over the top, "Rated RRR" at the end of that wtf trailer actually gave me an out loud chuckle. If I can't sleep tonight. This might...
No bullshit, just a rating. V = probably a 7. Dark spots are still dark. Looks like uploader tried to enhance brightness & contrast without much success. Audio was actually pretty good. I'd also give it a 7 if the background chatter wasn...
Well... she binged the first 3 last night in bed & loved it. Downing the whole series now. She gave A-V 10's and said there is almost no pixelation on the tv. (42")
After watching the trailer, I kind of get a "Zoey's extraordinary playlist" vibe from it. Like that show or not. My missus has a thing for romcoms. Especially ones she can stream. So, like always, I'll download the first 3eps for ...
Oh I definitely did, and will happily call out a trolling keyboard warrior like yourself as a chauvinistic prick. You obviously don't have daughters in their 30's, nor do you understand how Australians raise real women! Back in ya hole mate...
Two things.... Firstly - John is honest. If he says a cam is watchable, then it is. He doesn't say on your 52" tv. Just that it's watchable. So try your laptop or pad. Secondly - If you've read enough of his reviews. He's hap...
I know the "woke" crowd will jump all over this. But I don't see it as woke, but empowering whether being male or female. Everyone has a limit & the greater your abilities = the likelihood of stronger resistance. Is this believable...
When I first found this preview a few moons back, I was under the impression it was a movie. Added it to my watch list because of Chris. Now I see it's a series, I'm a tad more interested as to the extra detail it'll obviously delve i...
This looks like silly fun. Paused my way through the trailer to read subs without missing the screen. Worst part with subs is (especially actions) they sometimes change shots 3 or more times in one sentence. Makes a flick really hard to get into and ...
So, so bad... A & V are both 9-10. Very clear on the laptop with my headphones on. Not sure how it would transfer to a stick on the telly tho. Usually I reserve 1080's up for that. I could go on about plot, acting, storyline etc... but al...
Nepotism runs high(ish)... but even tho Mel is married to Ben Falcone - creator and lead actor. She's had next to nothing to do with the behind the scenes. She's got only 1 credit as an executive producer on 1 episode. NO writing or directi...
Did you watch the trailer Jaxe? You're right, if not a phone then a decent go-pro. So imaging look a bit off. Voices are very clear tho. Considering budget & a bunch of unknowns. The first 3/4 of the trailer looks like they gave it their bes...
As an australian, I'm unable to comment on either the factual or fictional side of this series. As a matter of fact. I believe most Americans would struggle also, as the history of Billy, from what I understand, is similar to a tree. So many bra...
Are we sure this is the right ep8? Because iMdb says it's released on June 19th & about 4hrs ago, someone uploaded ep06. Can anyone confirm this is 8 before I dl?
You're 100% right with this one. Very little lines up & the storyline is a rollercoaster. Never before have I seen an open ending on an obviously, made for TV movie. Although I'm satisfied giving it a 4, maybe 5, because it's 3am a...
Guessing you didn't watch "Jungle Cruise"? Emily blunt looks like a 10 & right at home in anything. Pants, modern or period correct dresses. My missus isn't a girly girl and wears jeans as a daily default. Love the with y...
The preview looks like a no brainer for a boring weekend fill in. The iMdb trailer that follows (Spiderhead 2022) releasing on June 22nd, might be worth a look also.
Loved her in Reacher. Definitely one of today's naturals that make sceens effortlessly believable. Need to wait for a rip though. Just to do it justice. ;)
Comment recovered: @JustBollocks... For your sake, I really, really hope you're not signing your letters with this Galaxy tag. It might be the reason she's not replying. I don't think anyone alive wants to be seen walking down the street beside a couple of 6 foot hairy balls. :_;)
2024-06-13 04:55:46
Automated point penalty ( -1 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Off-topic COMMENT: @JustBollocks... For your sake, I really, really hope you're not signing your letters with this Galaxy tag. It might be the reason she's not replying. I don't think anyone alive wants to be seen walking down the street beside a couple of 6 foot hairy balls. :_;)