User details for CangCiMen

Username CangCiMen:_male:
User Class User
Joined 2023-06-21 12:22:37
Last Visit 2025-02-20 00:53:51
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    47
Forum Posts 1
Total reviews 0
Reputation points -6

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The beauty of Isobel Wood's is so amazed me in this movie, from hair to toe is truly the embodiment of perfection.
2024-05-07 12:39:28
When I saw Nic Cage on the cover, I kind of pessimistic but it turns out ok.. Not that bad, you guys should watch it.
2024-05-03 03:37:41
The story is quite similar to Damaged (2024)
2024-05-01 04:05:39
The story is quite similar to Sleeping Dog (2024)
2024-05-01 04:04:58
This one is really something guys... the ending successfully made me LOL!!
2024-04-27 08:11:52
There one thing I want to tell you, this movie has a very soul satisfying ending, all your troublesome and tiredness for watching it from the start is paid off BIG TIME!!
2024-04-24 04:12:10
This one is good, you guys should watch it, epic twisted fun.
2024-04-17 02:16:46
I'll give it a shot, thankyou.
2024-03-23 04:52:45
Waiting for non-dubbed and small size version
2024-03-21 00:43:24
This one is good! Im happy that I watched it, the girl with a long hair feels so lovely and cute too, and a happy ending ofcourse! :_love . Just my kind of movies!:_:-*
2024-03-08 09:17:30
I'm not sure about this one, but since there is no good series at this time, I'll take the chance.
2024-03-08 05:30:11
Its very nice we got this movie here, they have work very hard to rip and upload this, just enjoy it and give it a sweet comment and be thankful.
2024-03-05 01:24:46
Can someone upload this on a smaller size please... thankyou.
2024-02-21 02:00:18
Thankyou for this, but coul anyone upload the smaller size please?
2024-02-19 02:48:04
Great upload and timing! Can't wait for bluray ver. I love it!
2024-02-17 02:27:41
I'll give it a try only because there is Pierce in it.
2023-07-08 02:59:49
I think I do not need to watch this one, thankyou.
2023-07-08 02:57:08

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Hi everyone! I chose CangCiMen as my username here, for your knowledge, it is short for: kaCang kuaCi perMen or in English: kacang = peanut kuaci = sun flower seed permen = candy . This site ...
2023-06-21 12:47:25

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( -4 points )
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REASON: Spoiler
COMMENT: It is wrong that the aliens thought of human as a bug,
bugs don't lie as human does:_:P
Too bad for Jack, the shows is not merrier without you.
2024-03-25 04:35:51
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( -1 points )
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REASON: Request/unintelligible
COMMENT: Ancur banget filmnya ancing...
Cerita solo misi astronot untuk menyelidiki fenomena awan warna pink kek permen kapas gitu, tetiba dalem pesawatnya bisa muncul laba" siluman yang baek hati, yang selalu bisa ngeladenin kegalauan hati sang astronot, gila juga tuh siluman laba", mungkin dia PhD dibidang psikologi.
Jangan ngarepin petualangan antariksa yang unik ataupun film yang fun,
ini hanya drama ga jelas antara suami dan istri yang terpisah jauh,
sisanya itu hanya setting belaka.
2024-03-02 07:37:02
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( -1 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Request/unintelligible
COMMENT: Paling benci kenapa dibikin jadi musical,
berasa terlalu dipaksakan untuk nyambung antara adegan dan nyanyian,
filmnya jadi jelek dan rusak cuma gegara itu,
andai saja dibikin fantasy dan family tanpa musical,
film ini pasti lebih banyak yang suka,
padahal secara cast dan special efek sudah sangat bagus!
2024-03-02 07:29:44
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2023-06-21 12:24:19

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