Sure seems like they are hell bent on ruining everything... This was more about trying to normalize mental illness and degeneracy than making a sequel to a once good show.
A/1 V/1 These cams are not worth the time anymore they are nothing but a big ad for hindu scam sites. Use to be they would just put a watermark off to the side, but now those @#$% put up graphics blocking the whole screen and add in supper loud annoy...
:_:-):_:-)You're right except for the chicoms part, takee a look at the chosen tribe and then you'll be on the right track... BTW this site seems to be run by anqueefa...:_:-)
Works, I gotta say though, the fact there are all these "games" coming out the simulate real jobs really says a lot about how far our society has fallen...
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Spam COMMENT: You anqeefa fags can give me -1000 points if thats what your gay retarded ass's get off on. lol Retarded faggots sitting there all day just being little Bolshevik fags monitoring and censoring everybody, looking up who is up and down voting, keeping track like some gay anqeefa sociopath... What do you fags only have the comment section just for your gay brigade to use? lol Which one of you retards even came up with that gay retarded points bullshit anyway? Points, lol you fags must have brains of kindergarteners. You fags are your own worst enemies, only a matter of time before society gets sick of your gay retarded shit and put you fags back in the closet where you belong. Bet your all jews too huh? lol
2022-09-29 23:16:55
Automated point penalty ( -5 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Hate inciting COMMENT: All you commie fags who moderate this site can go suck each other off, I don't give one fuck about your gay little point system. Mentally ill fuck tards, all of you. lol
2022-09-29 22:41:27
Automated point penalty ( -10 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Spam COMMENT: :_:-)All anyone needs to do to see the problem is look up the executives and look for the common denominator... Wonder how many bad boy points this site will give me for pointing that out...:_:-)
2022-09-08 14:38:22
Automated point penalty ( -5 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Hate inciting COMMENT: So odd how out of all of history the "evil Hitler" BS is what is shoved down our throats every where you turn... Almost as if there is a group of people who benefit from convincing people Hitler and the germans who lived at the beginning on the 20th century were pure evil for trying to stop communism in their country and free their people stuck behind new borders set up from a previous war from persecutions...
2022-09-02 21:51:36
Automated point penalty ( -2 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your reply: Keep up the good work, everyone I see cry about your spanks brings a smile to my face... \o