Screenshot #5 Dude in the sunshades looks like he has just stepped out of a 1970s detective drama a la Starsky and Hutch |
Yep, bet that dude drives an Austin Allegro (with 4-speed gearbox and heated rear window as standard ) |
Sreenshot #5 dude to the far left is my buddy Cody! Glad this is on here, been wanting to see it to see him but really didn't want to pay for it cause I know it's low budget and probably crap. |
Look at the screenshots. The quality is so amateurish. I've seen infomercials that have higher production design and cost. |
I part time like them as actress so cant blame them tho |
The word is BOOBS, you can spell it out, were all adults here. |
Half of the world wide web is filled with porn and half of that is free. Why do you seek boobs in movies? |
Yes, there are bobs, johns, marks, bills, and other assorted names. |