We do not need a whole f,ing month of you celebrating your fetish. Nor do we need the drag queen story hour at our children's school's. and the drag shows with our children. Have your fun, but stop demanding that we accept it. This has gon...
Thank you to the up loader for this. Unfortunately the reviews of this movie are not very favorable. The Drinker does a great review of it by the way So will wait to watch it when the right amount of alcohol has been consumed
Gee girls have come a long way. They can throw 250 pound men around like they were a doll. Now they are going to save us from the aliens. Can we have some realistic scenarios please:_facepalm
From the numerous reviews that are appearing about this movie it looks like another Disney flopbuster. The movies investors must be happy they sank hundreds of millions of dollars into this stinking pile of crap
I hope this is better than the last episode, or I am out. The last episode looked like it was written by the same lame writers as STD and STNW. All about feelings and insubordinate crew members, and lets chuck suicide to the mix. Seasons 1 and 2 w...
Why does Disney have to fuck over the fans by churning out this crap. Slow boring mess. It is about time the share holders held Disney accountable. This rubbish can not be making money.
The women save the day "AGAIN" Where did all the men go in this century?????:_help Bridge crew, Pike, Spock and the rest are women. Security, women Medical, weak black man, and strong woman. Nothing like the original which had a rich...
Fits right in with Disney's Black snow white:_facepalm
2022-05-17 07:18:50
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Automated point penalty ( -10 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Spam COMMENT: This movie was made to get all the kids they failed to indoctrinate in the other Hollywierd trash that has been pumped out of the past few years. The opening scene should be enough of a warning to grab your kids and flee the cinema. The marketing was better than Matel could have dreamed of disguising this movie as a sweet children's movie, instead of the dystopian trash that it is. Save yourself the cost of children's shrinks and do not take your kids to this movie. Though we know all the dads that took their daughters to this movie was just to see the feet scenes.
They have been given more than enough rope.
Clearly here for one reason .
2023-07-24 23:36:11
Automated point penalty ( -1 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Off-topic COMMENT: The way it should be Libby Lesbo. Keep the women in the kitchen, not on the battlefield.
2023-07-24 23:23:16
Automated point penalty ( -1 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Off-topic COMMENT: :_facepalm:_facepalmGuest 2252, Are you not aware that the mutilation of children is big business in the US. If little Johnny thinks he is a girl the butchers are fine with chopping off his dick and giving him hormones for the rest of his short life. They are pushing trans as trendy, fine for adults but not kids, wake up groomer.:_facepalm
2022-07-17 13:34:36
Automated point penalty ( -2 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your reply: Another troll to slack to have an account.
Typing in his mothers basement surrounded by his blue haired friends