Thank you Prom3th3uS! I'm gonna uninstal the drivers first, like Timmyboy wrote. If that don't fix the problem. I will try Superbikemike and your advices! Thank you all!! To be c...
2022-01-24 14:08:05
[quote=JFH1620] could try them on a different pc as well, make sure its not the issue my .02c [/quote] Thank you JFH1620, yesterday I connected them to my wife's laptop, with the same resul...
2022-01-24 14:04:48
Many thanks for those tips Superbikemike!! And indeed, I don't want to format the HDD's , because of the files, really don't want to loose them.
2022-01-24 14:02:05
Hi TimmyBoy91, I have the WD10000H1U-00 and the WDAAU0020HKB-01. Tried them both with 3 different cables, but no difference.. Will try your solution with the drivers, many thanks!
2022-01-24 13:57:54
[justify]Hi everybody, I hope somebody can help me ... Since last week I have a problem with two of my older external hard-disk drives. Both are from [url=]Western...
2022-01-24 13:47:32
2022-01-24 13:31:45
Iedereen een hele fijne week!! :_:D (behalve voor die onderstaande viespeuk) [img][/img]
2022-01-24 13:10:19
[center][color=blue][b][size=4]Happy Birthday [user=Thalestris]!![/size][/color][/b] [img][/img][/center]
2022-01-22 17:40:15
New AURORA :_love [youtube][/youtube] Many thanks to [user=pmedia] for sharing her new album with us! [torrent=14690212]
2022-01-21 10:57:03
[center]Welcome to the TGx Family [user=kreeneytodd]! :_:) [img][/img][/center]
2022-01-21 07:16:43
:_boom:_boom:_boom:_boom [youtube][/youtube]
2022-01-20 14:58:34
[b][center][size=5]Welcome to TGx [user=BearFang][/b]!![/size] [img][/img][/center]
2022-01-20 13:39:03
[center][b]Hi [user=Hyx5], welcome to TGx, the best place 2 be on the web![/b] :_:D [img][/img][/center]
2022-01-19 18:07:44
2022-01-19 17:52:19
Ook hier alles prima gelukkig :_:) Toch best wel veel Nederlanders hier op TGx geloof ik .. :_:D
2022-01-19 17:44:06
Goedemiddag :_:)
2022-01-19 13:55:47
2022-01-19 11:52:31
[center][b]Welcome to TGx [user=L4t3l4]![/b] :_:) [img][/img][/center]
2022-01-17 13:08:44
2022-01-16 10:52:29
[quote=Mafketel] En als ze nu in Nederland hun gezonde verstand blijven gebruiken en uit voorzorg toch gewoon overal een mondmasker ophouden... Zelfs op straat in winkelstraten ed... Dat zou zoveel ...
2022-01-15 09:50:29
Er komen vast wel weer betere tijden [user=Mafketel], daar ben ik vrij zeker van. Dit is een topsite, dus de mensen komen echt wel (terug). Gelukkig gaat Nederland vanaf vandaag weer een beetje op...
2022-01-15 08:55:48
[center]Welcome to TGx [user=sjursen124] :_:) [img][/img][/center]
2022-01-15 08:45:34
2022-01-15 08:41:42
2022-01-14 08:19:53
2022-01-13 14:42:41
Welcome to TGx [user=ial1980] and [user=pikachoulebo] !! [img][/img]
2022-01-12 13:41:17
Enjoyed this one very much :_:) [img][/img] [torrent=14487198]
2022-01-11 17:32:17
2022-01-11 17:17:26
:_love :_:-( :_love [youtube][/youtube] Recommended torrent: [torrent=14676013]
2022-01-11 08:54:03
This was recorded at Pinkpop Festival '93, I was there, somewhere in the crowd .... LEGENDARY GIG!!! Thanks for posting, brings back memories :_:D:_:D:_:D [quote=Garthock] [youtube]https://ww...
2022-01-10 13:27:58