User details for koskotas

Username koskotas:_male:
User Class User
Joined 2019-10-09 22:09:32
Last Visit 2025-02-13 12:44:43
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    4
Forum Posts 8
Total reviews 0
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Apologies, I thought you were doing a Twister marathon. I probably won't watch any Asylum film unless I am invested in the original, so I won't be able to help with your collection. Supercell is Asylum-level though (and that's not a ba...
2024-09-12 10:01:08
How are Into The Storm and Supercell related to Twister, and why would you expect The Twisters to be worse than Supercell?
2024-09-10 12:12:44
Any chance to get hearing impaired or word-by-word subtitles in English for this one? Not the "AI" translation from German back to English.
2024-01-08 14:43:49
Bill Murray's scenes in Zombieland passed through my eyes, with the voice-over of Danny DeVito in Space Jam shouting "Hey, I didn't know Dan Aykroyd was in this picture!"
2023-09-10 10:35:44

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Any chance we are getting Cobra Kai S06E06 to S06E10 (and S06E15 after February 13) in 4K HDR? PS: I searched for torrents as per the request instructions, but I cannot find the forum search. There...
2025-01-30 03:40:37
[quote=coaster] [quote=koskotas] Hello! I'd love to watch all four of Wes Anderson's shorts based on Roald Dahl stories in 4K HDR (HDR10 or HDR10plus if I'm honest). Those are: [s]Th...
2023-10-05 06:54:12
Hello! I'd love to watch all four of Wes Anderson's shorts based on Roald Dahl stories in 4K HDR (HDR10 or HDR10plus if I'm honest). Those are: [s]The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar ...
2023-10-04 13:25:38
Hey everyone! Come Friday, I would appreciate it if someone offers us the documentary Into The Weeds. It's going to be in CBC Gem as The Passionate Eye [s]S01E174[/s] S02E01: [s]https://gem.c...
2022-09-13 23:41:08
I am looking for this movie / special episode: Teen Titans Go See Space Jam. I would be really excited if I get to watch it before the new Space Jam comes out.
2021-07-01 04:59:08
Please upload "Long Live Rock: Celebrate the Chaos". It's been playing around festivals for a couple of years now, but it was released in 2021 on some online platforms. There's ...
2021-03-30 21:06:16
I would be obliged if someone uploaded the documentary "Stallone: Frank, that is". I believe its release date was January 19, 2021, but I can't find it on the one paid streaming serv...
2021-01-21 18:44:19
Can anyone upload "More Than A Cowboy" with Donald Cerrone? It's a docu-series, currently consisting of 3 episodes. Don't know if they'll do more episodes, but I'll be thankful to anybody who uploads ...
2020-01-13 15:04:06

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2019-10-09 22:10:13

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