During public holidays we should have an amnesty on the review members system BooM another original thought from me mio... eyez :)
2022-12-25 14:54:12
[b][size=5][color=red]2 14 19[/color][/size][/b]
2022-12-23 15:34:11
[size=5][b]Happy Birthday [color=#007bce]KJ[/color] hope you had a good one and all the very best :)[/b][/size]
2022-12-16 14:57:36
[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/ft2bNXs/BCock.jpg[/img][/center] [center][size=5][user=B4ND1T69][/size][/center]
2022-12-16 10:04:06
[quote=caaboh] Can someone tell me what this means? Why does it say fake? I'm just sort of curious: https://i.gyazo.com/dd58b0f0fd1b59f6f2f197d902783028.png [/quote] You get it a lot using U...
2022-12-15 14:24:04
Happy Birthday MissKitti and thanks for having a birthday on the only date I don't forget hehehe :_party:_pirate
2022-11-28 13:01:33
[quote=Mafketel] [quote=B4ND1T69] [quote=Mafketel] As they make no difference in what butt they are plugged.... :_facepalm So that makes them gender neutral.. [/quote] Then ask yourself......should...
2022-11-27 09:59:44
[quote=LiberalLesbo] [quote=miok] [center][size=4][color=red][b]Man Arrested Following “Large Scale” Pirate IPTV Investigation[/b][/color][/size][/quote][/center] [color=purple][size=4]Which ki...
2022-11-25 10:05:41
[quote=miok] [center][img width=400]https://c1.wallpaperflare.com/preview/810/238/560/trumpeter-sailor-silhouette-sea.jpg[/img][/center] [/quote] Very sad thanks for the good times, hope you come ...
2022-11-17 11:29:20
[quote=GOOGLE] They remove hundreds and thousands go back up the next day :_:) Piracy will never be stopped :_:) IMO it cant even be slowed down! [/quote] It's not really Piracy in the stric...
2022-11-05 12:41:59
Up now lolz
2022-11-01 11:52:24
Down here [img]https://i.ibb.co/NxwmC04/1337-XOOPS.jpg[/img]
2022-11-01 11:51:08
2022-10-31 10:04:43
I've got a 1 TB HDD sounds like a 56k modem am I bothered https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pmiYew3gUw Worry not just bck it up or ghost it
2022-10-21 14:54:17
[quote=Prom3th3uS] Well, If the Sil supposed to look forward to it as every time Sil was the one to pay bills or add a fix for site to be online.... [color=red]Then I would like to share sad news w...
2022-10-18 12:00:59
[size=5][color=red]All the very best [user=joel] have a good m8[/color][/size] 🍺
2022-10-17 15:04:02
[color=#F778A1][b][size=5]Happy Birthday.. All the very best to you on your special day QueenB :)[/size][/b][/color] [img]https://i.ibb.co/ww8V6Mc/Buzz.jpg[/img]
2022-10-15 22:43:44
[quote=miok] [quote=GhostRider] [quote=miok] Silmarillion was one of the big brass when it first opened but I'm not if that still holds true. [/quote] Yes she invited me to join the site [/quo...
2022-10-10 18:34:13
[img]https://i.ibb.co/9s0jTrx/The-Box-Horror-2009-Front.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/z83XR0G/The-Box-Horror-2009-Screen00.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/1660Bjf/The-Box-Horror-2009-Screen01.jpg[...
2022-10-07 15:41:31
Oops should read insult [quote=Mafketel] [quote=eyez] [size=4]All these years I've been pronouncing and enunciating the capitol of Ukrainian incorrectly. This short video can show you how not ...
2022-10-07 11:38:00
10 15 20 [size=2][color=red]Admin edit: vote counted[/color][/size]
2022-10-04 14:10:59
[img]https://i.ibb.co/hV945N9/00-The-Purge-2013-2021-Front.jpg[/img] [url=https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2184339][color=#157BBB][b][u] IMDb [/u][/b][i][b][=>-The Purge 2013 ][/b][/i][/color][/url]...
2022-09-22 19:19:05
[quote=miok] [quote=LiberalLesbo] [color=red][size=5]I would love to take part in another great idea, but... I am absolutely no effing good at this sort of thing at all, so my best to all you guys tha...
2022-09-14 20:02:40
[img]https://i.ibb.co/hyxDLcF/Queen-Elizabeth-II.jpg[/img] R.I.P Queen Elizabeth II
2022-09-08 18:44:23
US only and wow its like Ozzy [quote=R34P3R] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZGt4JVX860[/youtube][/center] [/quote]
2022-08-26 14:28:43
Liv it [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIJa1AfjVEc[/youtube]
2022-08-26 14:23:36
It's not serendipity it's coz of Maf's free beer... :_pirate
2022-08-25 15:32:24
[b]Ooops I broke the logo... I need beer to recover. :_:-@ [/b] [img]https://i.ibb.co/prLSc9Z/TGx.jpg[/img]
2022-08-25 12:26:52
[quote=B0NE] ive reached out to Silmarillion because is the main uploader there and is an insider but no reply (normally lets me know whats going on) also that account has not uploaded anything new el...
2022-08-25 10:25:58
[quote=Moxie] Why can't we insulate the Ukranian people? Don't you want them to stay warm in winter? Just what do you have against Ukranians?! Your intolerance disgusts me. UKRANIAN INSU...
2022-08-23 16:55:13