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No need for such words in comments, unless you are asking for a permanent vacation
2025-02-14 10:00:02
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( -10 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
COMMENT: i see several comments by others that stated the same thing I did but they get posted but mine gets deleted and penalized. FUCK YOU ADMIN
2025-02-07 09:35:17
User warnedNo need for such words in comments, unless you are asking for a permanent vacation
2025-02-07 09:33:41
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: shortround??? is that you???
2025-02-05 13:39:54
Automated point penalty
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Reason:
Staff deleted your comment.
COMMENT: being there isnt a way to email the moderators on here i figured id just write on here as someone has to proof read so READ ON I know this wont be posted and i dont care. you say I gave spoilers which was why you didnt allow my posts?????? I didnt give any spoilers to this film in both times I put my review up at all and the fact that you think that shows you haven't seen the film and your reasoning is weak as piss and you wankers have a god complex. I wont bother posting on this pissant site again so dont bother with the point system bullshit deduction as I really couldnt give a shit
Spam??? seriously oh do piss off
2024-08-19 08:25:41
Automated point penalty
( -10 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
COMMENT: being there isnt a way to email the moderators on here i figured id just write on here as someone has to proof read so READ ON I know this wont be posted and i dont care. you say I gave spoilers which was why you didnt allow my posts?????? I didnt give any spoilers to this film in both times I put my review up at all and the fact that you think that shows you haven't seen the film and your reasoning is weak as piss and you wankers have a god complex. I wont bother posting on this pissant site again so dont bother with the point system bullshit deduction as I really couldnt give a shit
2024-08-19 06:50:18
Automated point penalty
( -4 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Spoiler
COMMENT: Apparently the moderators didnt like my review for some reason as its not here. So to sum up. It was ok but heavy on Nostalgia in a few places. Main character is a replacement Ellen Ripley minus the cat. Many plot points were ripped from A1 and A2.
2024-08-19 02:39:09
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: if a ferret crosses the road to enjoy the beer at St Michiels park, how many squirts does an apple yell at the snow cone?? ......upon reflection id say the answer is taxi cab
2024-06-24 09:36:00
Automated point penalty
( -4 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: All Caps - UPPER CASE = Why are you YELLING !
2024-06-19 06:27:38
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( 1 points )
Comment recovered:
woke racist crap well its Fakewood so whos surprised
2024-04-03 05:08:02
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: woke racist crap well its Fakewood so whos surprised
2024-04-02 13:00:20
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( 1 points )
Comment recovered:
Amber Turd is in this quite a bit really, shes in a fair few scenes right off the start and has more than 5 min. Id say more like 15 or so min of screentime
2024-01-28 05:16:58
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
Amber Turd is in this quite a bit really, shes in a fair few scenes right off the start and has more than 5 min. Id say more like 15 or so min of screentime
2024-01-27 11:31:30
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( 1 points )
Comment recovered:
Dreamstate opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one. some agree some dont and thats fine. JD owned the crap he did and was on full display during the trial and AH got caught out with lie after lie and in the end she went down for it. JD is no saint and he would be the first to say it but id rather side with him
2024-01-27 07:18:37
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Dreamstate opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one. some agree some dont and thats fine. JD owned the crap he did and was on full display during the trial and AH got caught out with lie after lie and in the end she went down for it. JD is no saint and he would be the first to say it but id rather side with him
2024-01-26 08:21:17
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( 1 points )
Comment recovered:
Typical woke Disney crap. Dont bother wasting your time or data downloading this drivel
2023-12-20 07:57:11
Automated point penalty
( -1 points )
Penalty reason :
Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Typical woke Disney crap. Dont bother wasting your time or data downloading this drivel
2023-12-20 07:56:30
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2023-10-28 22:55:12
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2021-08-19 10:45:56