User details for Shrub

Username Shrub:_male:
User Class User
Joined 2019-10-03 18:13:49
Last Visit 2025-02-08 10:31:27
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    8
Forum Posts 23
Total reviews 2
Reputation points 9

For actively talking/supporting about drugs in the UK... The Great British Bake Off
2023-08-07 15:39:12
Thank you
2021-04-18 20:12:37
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Anyone else get blackouts in this video ? Darkflix has a problem with this a lot.
2023-10-18 00:42:51
I missed this ...:_facepalm Do I ask for a re-seed here ? Thanks if anyone can torrent this and any other of the series. Cheers Shrubcat
2023-09-07 22:30:31
Thanks ! .... I was hoping for this. Appreciated much.
2023-07-14 10:40:59
Hope someone comes back to continue to seed this ...... 56% only Thanks anyone.
2023-04-26 20:32:43
As Jaxe said ....never never never look at wiki before seeing something that may be ''spoiled'' ... it will .:_:)
2021-04-18 16:03:02
Thank you ...Hoping more seeds of the new year show. :-)
2021-01-05 00:25:22
Thank you VERY much Square. I had been looking for this for a long time. This is just the type of humour needed at this time. (for me anyway) :)
2020-04-25 12:46:29

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I hope this is the correct place etc ...... a few days ago on MSNBC Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow did a 2 hour special. There is no IMDB or anything like that. I 'think' it was in conjuncti...
2023-11-26 22:23:46
Did you ever get Rovers (2016) UK tv series ?
2023-07-14 16:38:09
Thanks all for the information .....I'll do as suggested. I did find an email address in the nfo file , contacted them and got some incomprehensible reply back. Like it went thru 5 google tran...
2023-04-02 11:20:01
Well it's happening again with Darkflix uploads ---- UK tv series The Piano and Paul Whitehouse --"Our Troubled Rivers" all have blackouts or whatever its called when the screen goes bl...
2023-03-31 13:13:51
Happy New Years Eve , ***EDITED*** .... It's not out on streaming services yet so this is why it's not available --- my mistake. disregard request. my request is the movie "Living...
2022-12-31 11:19:31
Hello , If anyone can help I'm requesting ......''Winter Walks...." season 2 From the BBC. Part of the shows appeal is the beautifu...
2022-06-23 01:58:08
Can anyone help me with ''Meet the Richardsons" season 2 Broadcast in April this year . Much appreciated .... also, Safe ...
2021-12-20 16:33:09
Hello , I'm requesting the audio book(s) of the series ''The Secret Seven" by Enid Blyton. There are 15 'books' but usually come in the full set. I'm not ...
2021-12-08 20:19:58
Thanks guys .... all is resolved --- It was just a few of Darkflix eps that were corrupted.
2021-11-17 12:41:15
I download a torrent of every episode of The Great British Bake Off ...( you can laugh :-) ) and there is a particular uploader/seeder/creator who seems to be the only supplier of 1080 HD eps. Howev...
2021-11-16 20:31:01
Thanks, LeftestDirtBag... I've waited till the show is over. It's a British tv show with David Mitchell called ''Outsiders'' ..comedy. It was broadcast on Dave chan...
2021-11-06 20:42:08
Hi , I'm looking for a British tv show with David Mitchell called ''Outsiders'' (6 eps finishing on Nov 3 I wasn't sure if I should ask before or after it's...
2021-10-24 11:43:06
Hello , I'm hoping someone can find : Blitz Spirit with Lucy Worsley One episode broadcast by BBC Thanks , S ps... i di...
2021-05-30 11:36:22
190 mbps down 30 up from -------------------------- 530 mbps down 30 up from Ookla Rogers Ignite Ottawa Ontario (lappy not direct connection)
2021-02-10 23:22:31
Requesting a British comedy called ''Semi-Detached" There are a few eps (1_3) out there but I can't get 100% thanks for help.
2021-01-28 11:40:53
I came here to ask the same question .... or a similar one. I'm using an Android Media Player hooked up to my NotSmart old tv into which I plug an external drive with my content. (tv shows etc). 95%...
2021-01-27 10:12:51
Thank you in advance for "Lucy Worsley's Christmas Carol Odyssey" thanks for any help.... and merry Christmas
2020-12-16 22:58:27
For Christmas I'd like to see "Mole's Christmas" if anyone can help. I've seen a few torrents but no-one is seeding. Thank you in advance Shrub
2020-12-09 21:16:52
Hello, and thanks in advance. I can't seem to find anything of the first season of .. '' Our Yorkshire Farm'' I'm working on getting season...
2020-10-01 12:18:44
Would be grateful for the BBC series: "A Perfect Spy" 1987 ( 7 eps) Based on the John Le Carre novel. IMDB .. : There are a few torrents out there but n...
2020-07-24 17:41:55
[quote=RedBaron58] I can see no torrents for that a present, but looks like the sort of thing "her indoors" would like so ordered the DVDs, will keep you posted [/quote] Thank you very much f...
2020-05-10 17:20:36
Hello , I'm requesting a British sitcom from 1992-93 called ''Mulberry''. IMDB title tt0103496 Thanks in advance
2020-05-10 15:02:06
Hello, Requesting a British show from 2000 "Human Remains" with Julia Davis and Rob Brydon One season with 6 episodes. Thanks in...
2020-04-18 11:42:26

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( -1 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Request/unintelligible
COMMENT: Stalled at 71 % ... would love it if someone could help. :_:-(
2024-01-17 10:19:34
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2019-10-03 18:15:13

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A Perfect Spy S01 DVDrip RB58The.Great.British.Bake.Off.S11E01.Cake.Week.480p.x264-mSD[TGx]

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