User details for Scorpa

Username Scorpa:_blocked:
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Joined 2020-03-27 15:43:13
Last Visit 2022-10-02 00:33:08
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2025-02-21 18:15:53
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    19
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Total reviews 1
Reputation points -12

Thanks for the tip on This World Won't Break. Cheers!
2020-09-17 14:33:27
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What is up with film producers mixing "Drama" in EVERYTHING these days? How the Hell you gonna make a "Comedy/Drama"? Drama in my opinion = Boring & most certainly far from any kind of "Comedy" or any other type of m...
2022-09-20 17:51:38
Why doers it say there are 18DLCs because I have purchased the best edition of this game & only see two...
2022-09-11 16:55:32
This game is a waste of time & money in my opinion. I downloaded the ultimate edition & it did have bad frame rates but then just bought the game & am so disappointed. They completely got rid of a good majority of what made this game (tal...
2022-09-09 00:54:28
These days almost every single Bruce Willis movie that he acts in are just horrible. He went from being an awesome actor to a really boring crappy actor so I choose not to watch anything with him in it anymore.
2022-09-05 19:19:01
I started watching it but right from the get go I thought it was stupid. No police at all ever would search through someone's house or room before cuffing that person. They certainly wouldn't be letting them move freely about to light up a ...
2022-08-24 02:55:38
In my opinion it was really unrealistic, not so great acting, and a horrible script in general.
2021-10-08 07:35:14
In my opinion it was really unrealistic, not so great acting, and a horrible script in general.
2021-10-08 07:35:12
Clint Eastwood is THE MAN! He has to be very passionate about his career and love it to still be acting at 91 years old, and still be a badass at his age. :_B)
2021-09-18 16:47:09
I gave it one star simply because in my opinion the film was really stupid. The quality of the upload was very good including sound as well.
2021-09-15 02:17:24
Its a great copy and movie so I gave it 5 stars but there were several truly unrealistic parts when it came to shotguns tossing people backward several feet or more. :_alien:_eyes
2021-08-27 14:29:47
:_:O Wow, thanks for this great upload, very good movie imo.
2021-08-22 08:55:54
Thank you for the torrent, it was um... well kinda crap. I thought that the movie had horrible directing, mostly shitty acting, and am completely surprised its a 7/10 kind of rating on iMDB. It was fun to watch in a kind of laughable about how crappy...
2021-08-18 07:02:38
I would click the recommend button for this game if there were a poster picture, but I have noticed not many games on here are shared with a poster picture anyhow. This game I bought just before the pre-order ended & I would recommend it to anyone. S...
2020-10-30 05:24:21
Well, it was a decent movie I suppose but the story was slightly boring & not well written imo. B):(
2020-10-22 04:45:03
Great movie, thanks for the upload! I really enjoyed watching it however I always think logically and they were supposedly recording using a professional camera, so how would it be possible for the shot to shift back and forth from each of them every...
2020-10-02 22:58:53
:facepalm This is nothing but a very boring film...
2020-09-30 15:05:25
No problem, you are welcome, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did :o)B)
2020-09-17 20:59:41
On IMDb it says this movie was created in 2019, and if that is the case I am surprised I missed it. This movie is a hidden gem, but a very beautiful gem indeed. The critics on IMDb didn't have too many nice things to say about it but I always choose ...
2020-09-17 07:04:00
Great film, thnx for the upload! 8o B)
2020-09-15 07:50:49

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:_blocked: Permanent userblock
2022-10-02 14:31:40
:_banned: Temporary userban added!
Issued banperiod - 3 days.
Posting racist comments next one is perm.
2022-10-02 01:15:45
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( -1 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: I do not care what others believe about race, why can I not have my own opinion of the matter? I just think its very stupid and confusing why there is only one single black person in every one of the races on the show... If there is one where are all the rest? I think this show is really retarded & very confusing when it comes to that.
2022-10-02 00:30:27
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( -1 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: Maybe you all haven't been a white person who has lived in black neighborhoods... You think I got a damn problem, well tell all the damn blacks who have tried killing me for being white that fucking thought!
2022-10-02 00:29:33
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( -10 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
COMMENT: The staff on here wanna call me a biggot well you having an issue of my own beliefs shows you are a biggot regarding me!
2022-10-02 00:27:27
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( -5 points )
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Hate inciting
COMMENT: I think this show is so stupid... There is a huge showing of opposite races in every damn race in middle Earth, a black Elf, a black Dwarven Queen to be, you gotta be kidding me... There weren't any damn niggers in Middle Earth besides maybe Sauron....
2022-10-01 22:17:38
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2020-03-27 15:43:31

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The Survivalists v1.11This.World.Wont.Break.2020.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.900MB.x264-GalaxyRG

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