OK for the benefit of 'where did the Macedonians fit in' doubters. Ptolemy didn't arrive on his own: he was one of Alexander's generals and he had a whole army with him - all Greek and Macedonian. There was no shortage of upper cl...
It's not the first time - there was a mockumentary about Hannibal and, lo and behold, we had a black Hannibal. Carthage may have been on the north African coast (and NOT sub-Sahara), but the Barcas were PHOENICIAN (from what is now the Lebanon r...
For the benefit of the 'But Nubia is near Egypt' people. The Ptolemaic dynasty kept the blood line almost pure Macedonian/Greek to the extent of incest. Remember Cleopatra was also married to her brother. Depictions of Cleopatra do NOT show...
James Stewart didn't have to act the part of a bomber pilot - he was a qualified B 47 pilot (as a resnerve officer in the USAF). The cockpit of the B47 in the movie is now in the museum at March Air Reserve Base, California
They may be listed on other sites but they're dead (no seeders) Now I'm sure you're a nice guy who would just love to help and seed the missing episodes (looks pleadingly and holds up a two month old puppy)
I don't believe there ever was a second series of 'Rebellion'. There was a later series, dealing with the Tan War called 'Resistance' with some of the characters from 'Rebellion', but this isn't it.
Not a lot to say about me really. Nothing special, live in Ireland (and speak Irish), builder of model aircraft since before Snoopy met the Red Baron, ham radio operator and sci-fi fanatic (who is abo...