User details for Obywans

Username Obywans
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Joined 2022-08-23 21:30:37
Last Visit 2025-02-21 23:22:29
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    7
Forum Posts 2
Total reviews 0
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wow muy bueno el audiolibro ! Muy recomandable !La verdad que me a sompredido la historia !
2024-06-16 22:51:25
Martin Scorsese has made very good films but this is not one of them.:_:( It is long, dark, one-dimensional and boring, from the beginning you know the ending, the novel had much more emotion. The story it tells does not need that much length, it is...
2023-12-04 22:54:12
What a waste of time, don't even bother. Bad acting, all the movie through a computer screen, looks like the director has a crush for Apple too, don't lose your time, on't lose your time, on't lose your time
2023-06-27 21:45:30
High Heat (Even the name sucks) I figured with Don Johnson in it the film (movie) would be decent but I was wrong. The actors are mostly forgettable. The script seemed like something a student writer would be encouraged to seek a different career ov...
2022-12-20 21:33:22
"Interesting film, but with a slow pace... Normally I like most of the movies Tilda Swinton starred in, not all, but most of them. "The Eternal Daughter" could have been something more than what it is if perhaps more suspense had b...
2022-12-04 20:34:00
Terrible- on all fronts. Embarrassingly bad. Poor directing, script, and the acting was perhaps the WORST I've ever seen. Who, WHO on earth cast this? Clearly shot on the cheapest of cheap budget, the photography is elementary. The scenes dul...
2022-11-27 23:02:10
Gracias ,Thank you .:_alien
2022-09-08 22:05:04

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hi all anyone have any idea about : [b]Of Money and Blood[/b][torrent=null] D'argent et de sang Título original: D'Argent Et De Sang Miniserie de TV 2023– [url]ht...
2023-11-22 21:34:57
hi ,my name is Obywans Gracias
2022-08-23 21:35:25

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2022-08-23 21:31:14

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