The are thousands of people in post production and many have access to the finished file. A little download o:_B)nto ones mobile and there it is. For us to enjoy!:_B)
That is rectified by "Force Recheck" to find that the file piece is missing. Then hit download and "Force Recheck" again. Voila. Fully complete download. This is downloading 101 by the way.
I dl'd it. A very slow torrent and, after 6 days, I force rechecked it and every time it came up with different pieces not downloaded. I downloaded the missing pieces then others would come up as missing. The torrent and mkv is useless so I dele...
2024-03-29 00:34:16
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Automated point penalty ( -1 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: Request/unintelligible COMMENT: Could you please upload the full BluRay disc of this classic so we can remux it and avoid the 1:06:00 onwards issues. Much appreciate your other flawless uploads, Jack. :_:)
2025-01-31 17:26:14
Automated point penalty ( -4 points )
Penalty reason : Staff deleted your comment. REASON: I tested it and It worked for me . But is slow .. COMMENT: Sorry webmaster. Your torrent is defective. Proof being Cheerful Tomatoes version at 71.4 GBs is downloading wonderfully. But thanks for your (usually) wonderful uploads.