2019-10-05 18:59:00
2019-10-05 18:50:56
2019-10-05 18:48:57
[b]Rose [/b] 8o
2019-10-05 18:46:39
[b]J is for Joke [/b] 8o
2019-10-05 18:44:17
[b]Lottery [/b] 8o
2019-10-05 18:42:47
[img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-j51joyfI_1o/UCXeVQ5JRYI/AAAAAAAAFKQ/HeuXPKzjaUM/s640/facts+quotes+(1).png[/img] [b]While Carolyn Davidson was initially only paid $35 for her design for Nike, the suc...
2019-10-05 18:12:17
2019-10-05 18:00:06
2019-10-05 17:56:08
[center][img]https://cdn.quotesgram.com/img/25/17/1040165244-Morticia-Addams-Family-Values-Quote.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/25/45/a7/2545a7f5e999e8e9349952c653046ae4-...
2019-10-05 17:51:15
[size=4]An Oldie but Goodie from Frank B) I danced to this with my Dad at my wedding many moons ago! It till brings tears as Dad is gone and I miss him everyday! [/size] [youtube]https://www.you...
2019-10-05 17:42:32
[size=4][b]Great Band Photos in this Vid... 8o[/b] [/size] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4Z3A53nY7Q[/youtube]
2019-10-05 17:37:52
2019-10-05 17:35:32
[size=4][color=orange][b]Dropping off some cake pops to get into the SPIRIT...[/b][/color] [/size] 8o [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/79/26/71/79267125cd2488ba5442c59a42f0bcdc--hallo...
2019-10-05 17:32:42
2019-10-05 17:29:56
2019-10-05 17:27:51
[quote=Csabaxb] [quote=bombegranate] Hell, looking at all those pics, i wonder why i put myself on that low-carb diet. :facepalm I think i should reconsider that decision... :-@ [/quote] same her...
2019-10-05 17:26:20
[quote=bigboy12] Come on people we have great artists here what are you waiting for.Put in your entries..... [/quote] [b]Yah what[/b] [color=red][b]bigboy12[/b][/color] [b]said...[/b]8o [img]ht...
2019-10-05 17:20:27
2019-10-05 00:07:18
2019-10-05 00:03:59
2019-10-04 23:59:03
2019-10-04 23:56:26
2019-10-04 23:52:21
2019-10-04 23:20:09
[size=4]One of the prettiest pieces of music created (I think!) 8o 61,330,755 youtube hits, just for this version... [/size] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvFH_6DNRCY[/youtube]
2019-10-04 23:00:58
2019-10-04 22:49:42
[b]Tattered [/b] 8o
2019-10-04 02:14:16
[b]H is for Happiness [/b] 8o
2019-10-04 02:13:13
[b]Pose [/b] 8o
2019-10-04 02:11:41
[size=5][i]The Statue of Zeus... 8o[/i][/size] [img]https://ryoku47.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/1.jpg[/img]
2019-10-04 02:09:36