User details for GGEEK

Username GGEEK
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Joined 2018-11-05 03:58:50
Last Visit 2023-08-22 06:43:18
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    36
Forum Posts 3
Total reviews 1
Reputation points 5

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2018-11-06 10:12:26
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Nice quality upload. And an excellent film. It's fictionalized history, of course. But then, I've never seen a historical film that wasn't. Still highly entertaining. Thank you!
2021-11-16 20:22:25
Thanks for this! Lost my original copy and been mourning. So great to find it here and in nice format. Good quality, and a great film.
2021-10-20 03:52:00
Thanks. Great film that explored the raider mentality of stock markets in the 80's and 90's. Quality is good, and always do appreciate smallish file size. It's great for when you have finite space, wide tastes, and a reluctance to purg...
2021-10-20 03:32:51
Thanks for this. Nice quality, and love the file size. Sat down to this with my grown son, whom I could never interest in the books. Now, he's already salivating for the rest of the story to hit the screen. I'm anxious, myself. They've...
2021-10-20 03:23:26
A nice version of the "Oliver Twist" type story. Good cast, decent acting. And did I mention Robin Williams? Excellent quality audio/visual, and the small file size is plus. Thanks for this.
2021-10-04 04:05:01
An excellent film. I saw this once when I was young and have never forgotten it. Suspenseful, with a subtly horrifying plot. Thank you for sharing this fine example of film making.
2021-10-01 23:32:24
A horror movie for those who don't need gore in every scene. Nice use of lighting to set the mood. Saw it years ago and is one of the few horror movies I don't mind watching twice. Thanks for sharing.
2021-09-07 01:29:26
Martial arts, swords, old-west bad guys and a town populated by circus performers. Add in a cute baby and Geoffrey Rush hamming it up, what's not to love? A nicely entertaining yarn. Thanks for the share!
2021-09-06 21:35:44
Thanks! I've always thought this movie as underrated. Foster's slide into full psycho is riveting and believable. My old copy of this got trashed and it's so nice to find it here in this format. Nice quality, too.
2021-07-31 01:39:00
Always on the lookout for old favorites in this format. Nice quality and very much appreciated.
2021-07-27 14:45:26
Thanks a bunch! Been waiting for this.
2020-12-30 23:52:58
Love this "classics" category! I can replace a lot of my favorite films with a good quality small file. Keep up the good work.:love
2020-07-09 13:22:13
:D Thanks so much! I'm so glad to find some of these older movies. And the smaller file size is great. Thanks
2020-07-09 13:19:23
:-* Thank you! Love me some Harry Nilsson!
2020-07-06 16:04:44
Thanks so much! Nice quality.:love
2020-07-06 15:55:41
Thank you! Nice mix.:-)
2019-11-12 23:43:24
2019-09-19 01:45:48
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
2019-09-17 22:08:52
Many thanks! Been waiting for this.:-*
2019-08-28 02:39:58
Oooooh!!! All the films in one. I've been meaning to catch up on the series, and this is my chance. Thank you, thank you, thank you !:D
2019-08-10 23:34:09
Was waiting for this, thanks so much! Great quality.
2019-07-25 03:35:07
Thanks! Have been waiting for this movie since the end of John Wick 2.
2019-05-16 12:23:31

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Not really a fan of the Horror genre. Unless it's Cheesy horror. And not just any old badly done film. I like movies that are so awful they're good. Like "Ravenous". Anyone else out there who enjoys ...
2018-11-06 22:07:28
Thank you.
2018-11-06 00:05:45
Hello all! Just found this place last evening and am delighted to be here! Friendly, welcoming atmosphere. Well organized navigation. And tutorials for the blundering newbies... like myself. I haven't...
2018-11-05 22:14:05

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2018-11-05 04:00:16

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