User details for Chebattler

Username Chebattler:_male:
User Class User
Joined 2023-06-02 10:10:02
Last Visit 2024-06-07 18:36:37
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    20
Forum Posts 1
Total reviews 0
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Thaaank you! Great series, great quality :_B)
2024-04-23 21:09:52
Finally, some good quality, not woke, show. So far very much recommend. And thanks for the release. :_B)
2024-03-05 14:30:19
This is to much to handle. Creators of this bs should go with this gay plot somewhere else. I'm out, no thanks.
2024-02-17 16:47:58
Watched in cinema. Good movie, can recommend.
2024-02-17 16:37:22
Trash movie, unfortunately.
2024-02-11 15:53:49
Who cares? So many "selfmade" stories recently, funded by greedy actors and sportsmen.
2023-10-10 19:57:11
Very stupid scenario. So stupid that maybe even more realistic. Imagine having such ring, you could safely become king of the world. Instead, the character plays around in the most dumb way.
2023-10-01 11:21:57
Korean movies ftw!
2023-09-03 18:21:01
I loved the movie. Returned from cinema. We need more action movies like that. It is not perfect, but it is fine. The only thing I would change - more challenge for main character. Cause he looks to badass all the time. Should be some challenge. ...
2023-09-02 23:25:29
Skipping this. Return without agenda, next we will talk. Thanks to the Uploader anyway.
2023-09-02 10:36:31
just came from the cinema. Well, I didn't expect much, but it was quite good I should say. Trustful atmosphere, fine actors, well made story which is so common. Drakula has been shown many times in different movies and even comedies, but I lov...
2023-08-12 22:52:38
Quite decent so far. But 1 episode per week is weak
2023-06-29 17:49:00
Thank you!
2023-06-23 09:22:47
Average, but i'll give it a try for few more episodes, to make sure. Thanks for the upload
2023-06-18 18:29:03
episode 2 and 3 were fine
2023-06-17 11:23:10
most funny about it that in reality this is usually visa versa. Imho there should be random, to avoid cliche and bad examples. Not all people of some race are good or bad.
2023-06-16 22:37:58
yeah. Big respect to RARBG. Hopefully releasers from there will come here and keep our community happy
2023-06-16 22:26:48
Not bad. But I hoped for a better ending, unfortunately it is average.
2023-06-06 22:23:12

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I used to be a rarbg user for many years. It was very simple and effective. Very sad it is gone. It won't be forgotten. But, torrentgalaxy is the closest in functionality and simplicity I was ab...
2023-06-02 10:26:49

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( 1 points )
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This is to much to handle. Creators of this bs should go with this gay plot somewhere else.
I'm out, no thanks.
2024-02-18 06:12:30
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Staff deleted your comment.
REASON: Off-topic
COMMENT: This is to much to handle. Creators of this bs should go with this gay plot somewhere else.
I'm out, no thanks.
2024-02-17 16:52:57
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2023-06-02 10:10:49

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