In a world where hunters, humans who possess magical abilities, must battle deadly monsters to protect the human race from certain annihilation, a notoriously weak hunter named Sung Jinwoo finds himself in a seemingly endless struggle for survival. One day, after narrowly surviving an overwhelmingly powerful double dungeon that nearly wipes out his entire party, a mysterious program called the System chooses him as its sole player and in turn, gives him the extremely rare ability to level up in strength, possibly beyond any known limits. Jinwoo then sets out on a journey as he fights against all kinds of enemies, both man and monster, to discover the secrets of the dungeons and the true source of his powers.
Source (Season 1)
Video: VerySlow [Erai]
Audio: Untouched
Subs: Signs & Songs, Honorifics & No-Honorifics Dialogue [Tenrai-Sensei]
Restyled the Dialog, Timing, ts, Karaoke+effect, and chapters. Went over all episodes and made corrections (op/ed edits, untagged dialog, other changes for more consistency). I will sub future Seasons for the show. Seed and enjoy xD Join the discord and let me know of any mistakes in the report issue section.
season 1 doesn't go much far for those who know the manwha
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