The story follows fisherman Ed Collier, who is highly protective over his family, which includes wife Claire and daughter Abbie. However, when a rich young man by the name of Ryan Wilson starts to take an interest in his daughter, Ed feels her becoming increasingly distant and fears he may lose her for good.
SERIES INFO Genre: Stars: David Leon Series Plot: High drama on the high seas around Britain as multiple deep-sea fishing trips are filmed around the clock across one brutal week at sea. From the North Sea to the English Channel, all hunting the catch in 300,000 square miles of ocean.
EPISODE INFO Title: The Rookie Airdate: 2022-10-04 Episode plot: This series charts the contrasting fortunes of British fishing boats over the course of one brutal week. Each skipper must hunt the catch 24/7 if they are to earn a wage for themselves and their crew. It's the most dangerous job in Britain, and failure means risking your life for no reward.In this episode, it's the last trip before Christmas and, with demand surging, fish prices are rising. Off the south coast of Cornwall, Ocean Pride is heading out in pursuit of pollock among the old sunken shipwrecks of the English Channel. 380 miles away on the Yorkshire coast, crabber Tydus is preparing to head out with hopes of a big pay day. The aim is to put six tons in the tank, a catch that this week could fetch well over £30,000. Off the south coast of Devon, Margaret of Ladram, one of Brixham's most successful beam trawlers, is on the hunt for one of the most lucrative species in British waters, Dover sole.
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