The story follows fisherman Ed Collier, who is highly protective over his family, which includes wife Claire and daughter Abbie. However, when a rich young man by the name of Ryan Wilson starts to take an interest in his daughter, Ed feels her becoming increasingly distant and fears he may lose her for good.
SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Thriller Stars: Jason Watkins, Aneurin Barnard, Poppy Gilbert, Cathy Belton, Brenda Fricker Series Plot: Set against the hauntingly beautiful coastline of the west of England, The Catch introduces us to Ed Collier, a proud husband, father and local fisherman determined to do whatever it takes to keep his family together. But when a rich, handsome younger man enters daughter, Abbie's, life and threatens to take her away from him, Ed finds his life spiralling out of control. Secrets and lies are exposed with every twist and turn but will Ed discover the truth about his daughter's new boyfriend before it's too late?
EPISODE INFO Title: Episode 1 Airdate: 2023-01-25 Episode plot: Ed Collier, a proud husband, father and local fisherman, finds his life spiralling out of control when a rich and handsome man enters his daughter Abbie's life and threatens to take him away from her.
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