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Are you an experienced programmer who wants to get started quickly in jаvascript and the HTML DOM? This is your book.
Do you need encyclopedic knowledge of jаvascript and/or the HTML DOM? This book is not for you.
Are you a novice who wants to learn to program? This book is not for you. In fact, this language is not for you. Get a good Python book.
This book will get you programming in jаvascript as quickly as possible. In addition, it will provide you with a basic understanding of the Document Object Model, the massive data structure used to represent web pages. With these tools, you will be able to build interactive web pages.
If you program in C or Java, there are parts of the book you can skip over because the jаvascript statements are exactly the same. These parts are clearly marked.
jаvascript is the language—the only language—used by browsers. To create interactive web pages, you need to know both jаvascript and the DOM. This book will get you started