SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Action Adventure Stars: Kaci Walfall, Cranston Johnson, Alexander Wraith, Mary-Charles Jones, Mouzam Makkar Series Plot: The show will follow a teen girl's journey from her small northwestern town to the heights of the multiverse. When a supernatural event shakes her hometown to the core, Naomi sets out to uncover its origins, and what she discovers will challenge everything we believe about our heroes.
EPISODE INFO Title: Shadow Ridge Airdate: 2022-02-22 Episode plot: With Naomi still shaken by her terrifying encounter with the bounty hunter, Dee continues training her on controlling her thoughts and emotions and, therefore, her powers. Meanwhile, as Naomi and Nathan rekindle their romance, the class sets off on an exciting week-long camping excursion.
This series is better than i had thought.
Thanks for the upload....
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