Equal parts survival epic, psychological horror story and coming-of-age drama, "Yellowjackets" is the saga of a team of wildly talented high school girls soccer players who become the (un)lucky survivors of a plane crash deep in the remote northern wilderness. The series chronicles their descent from a complicated but thriving team to savage clans, while also tracking the lives they've attempted to piece back together nearly 25 years later, proving that the past is never really past and what began out in the wilderness is far from over.
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Genre: Drama Horror IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11041332 Stars: Tawny Cypress, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Juliette Lewis, Sophie Thatcher, Christina Ricci Series Plot: Yellowjackets follows a girls' high school soccer team. In 1975, the Dearborn High Yellowjackets became the first team in state history to qualify for the Girls' U.S. Soccer Championship Series in Manchester, NH. They never got the chance to compete. Equal parts survival epic, horror story and pitch black coming of age, Yellowjackets tells the story of the (un)lucky survivors of a plane crash deep in the Ontario wilderness, chronicling their descent from a friendly, cooperative team to warring, cannibalistic clans. At the same time, it follows the lives they've attempted to piece back together nearly twenty-five years later, proving that the past is never really past and what began out in the wilderness is far from over.
Episode Title: Bear Down Episode Airdate: 2021-12-05 Episode plot: The girls play with guns to determine who is the most responsible. Natalie untangles a lifetime of piecing together broken men. Taissa greets the rich.